Monday, May 6, 2024

Let Us Pray

            Thank You for Your faithfulness and trustworthiness in our lives. Thank You for always keeping Your end of the Covenant even when we've broken ours. Father, we want to be faithful to You. We want our hearts, our minds, our souls - our wills to be faithful to You and to Your ways. We have not been. We've been faithful to our flesh and to our feelings. Please forgive us, Lord. Let us - help us to be people who can and who will be faithful - fully trustworthy to Your will for our lives.

Help us to see past the failures and inabilities in our lives and to put them behind us. Let us see and hear only what You would have us to do and be. Cause us to put You first. Help us to die to our flesh - to be dead to our worldly desires and alive to only You. Let it be said of us, Father, that we are faithful because of You. Cause our will to line up perfectly with Yours. Put a guard over our words - Your arm around our shoulders and Your hand over our mouths. We don't want to be a toothache or a twisted ankle like is written in Proverbs 25:19.

Thank You for all the immediate responses to our heart's desires. Forgive us, Lord, of ALL our unfaithfulness. Forgive us for all the times we have failed You. Replace our wandering hearts with whole hearts toward You and what You would have us to be and do. Father, Your Word tells us so we KNOW that You are at work in us both to WILL and to DO...

Give us the strength, the courage of conviction. Cause the Holy Spirit to bring all things to our remembrance - such things as are needful and necessary to complete the work You have assigned to our lives. Father, in our daily - everyday lives - we have not been faithful. We own that and ask You to change our hearts. We pray Your Word in Isaiah 64:8, O Lord, you are our Father. We are the clay, and you are the potter. We all are formed by your hand. We want to be more like You, Father. Engrave Your image on our hearts. Cause our love to be agape. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

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