Wednesday, May 1, 2024


O God, you are my God; I earnestly search for you. My soul thirsts for you; my whole body longs for you in this parched and weary land where there is no water. 
Psalm 63:1 NLT

How dry and thirsty are we? Are we being replenished and held together by the water of the Word? Are we actively seeking God so that He will rain down His righteousness on us and quench the thirsting of our souls or are we poster children for the drought? Are the blossoms of love and forgiveness in our lives being choked out by the weeds of bitterness we've allowed to take root? Do we think we can hide the gaping tears in our hearts by covering them with stones, giving the facade of being well-kept and attractive, but there's no life in them? We can't even walk safely on rocks, let alone run the race to which we've been called.

Are the fires in our lives from God or from the LACK of Him? You might ask, "What difference does it make? Either way, fire burns!" Let me tell you - there is a BIG difference. Godly fire burns away the chaff - the dross in our lives - WITHOUT destroying what is good. Left unchecked, fires destroy completely, unless of course, you are surrounded by water...Living Water (John 4).

How dry and thirsty are you? I know where there is water... It's found in the Word of God.


            As we immerse ourselves in Your Word, Lord, cause our hearts and minds to be flooded with Your Truths. Make us to be the trees planted by the waters that are not moved by the spiritual and physical drought conditions around us. Let us produce Your fruit in our lives to help feed those around us, drawing from Your well of living waters. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

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