Sunday, January 20, 2019


Listen to the noise on the hilltops! It’s the people of Israel, weeping and begging me to answer their prayers. They forgot about me and chose the wrong path. I will tell them, “Come back, and I will cure you of your unfaithfulness.”
Jeremiah 3:21-22a CEV

What are you looking for in a relationship? Love, obviously. Laughter? Someone who makes you feel good about yourself? Someone whose life decisions and actions are motivated by how those will affect you and your lives together? 

E - all of the above, right? Definitely the upside of relationship.

What about the downside? Stick with me, there is a point to this. Have you ever been ignored in a relationship? It didn't matter what you said or what you did, they were gonna do whatever they wanted to do because they figured you weren't going anywhere. Ever had someone to whom you were totally committed - 100% in - be unfaithful to you? THAT is serious pain - emotionally and physically. It's brutal - especially if it's more than once. Then you're dealing with trust issues and all kinds of garbage. The odds of restoration for that relationship are slim to none. It would truly take an act of God...

And that's exactly what God offers us even though we are unfaithful. We ignore Him. We make time for everything else and figure He'll wait for us because He's God. We put Him on the back burner - sometimes even in our quest to do "His work". We waste countless hours on nothingness. We 'worship' at the throne of pleasure - for whatever makes us feel good. Instead of going to Him for consolation, we go to the phone. Instead of going to Him for comfort, we go to food or drugs or drink. We're cheating on God and our relationship with Him. Old Testament and New Testament warn us about this very thing. (Read Hebrews 10:31)

God IS faithful. He is faithful to perform His Word. The cry of God's heart is "Come back!", but just like in any relationship, it's our choice. He won't make us come back. And even though restoration of the relationship is His greatest desire and gift to us, if you read His Word, you realize the day is coming when that will no longer be an option. It will be too late. And today, we're one day closer to that day.



Cure us of our unfaithfulness. We want to be found in You. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

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