Wednesday, January 9, 2019


For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost.
Luke 19:10 NLT

There is a vast difference between see and seek - much more than just one letter. For example, you can be seen in a crowd of one thousand people. But to be sought in that same crowd means you will be found. That's what Jesus did for us. He came to seek us out and to save us.

Another example - do a Google search on the Internet. All kinds of results pop up within seconds, not to mention the ads flickering, glittering on either side of the screen, screaming at you to be seen... and we see. However, if we're seeking rather than just looking to see, we will focus in on the one, choose it, and exclude or delete the rest.

That's how we are to seek God. 
We are to seek Him first (Matthew 6:33)
Seek His face always (1st Chronicles 16:11 and Psalm 105:4)
Seek that we may live (Amos 5:4, 14)
Jeremiah 29:13 NKJV reads, And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. Another translation reads, If you look for me wholeheartedly...  


          Forgive us for the times we look to see if You are there instead of seeking You and Your presence. We will see You while You may be found; and call on You while You are near. According to Your Word, we will trust in You, for You, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek You. Help us to recognize the importance of the difference and correct our actions. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

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