Sunday, January 27, 2019

A Must Repeat - This Little Light of Mine

A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out. Isaiah 42:3 NLT

Candles are very popular and they continue to gain in popularity. Did you know you can purchase a candle that smells like dirt? Truly! And if you like food-scented candles, how about trying the pizza, popcorn, bacon, nachos, coffee, or cotton candy candles? And those who are into the great outdoors but can't get there through work or weather, these will carry you through - lawn mower clippings scent, campfire candle, pigskin candle, or s'mores. And how about this? A Hippie-scented candle - I can't even imagine what would go into that, and I'm not sure I want to know! Whatever the scent, no matter if it's 2 for a dollar or $40 a candle, none of them burn without a wick. And the wick has to be properly maintained for the candle to do all it's supposed to do and for the time it's supposed to do it.

FYI - Wicks should be trimmed to 1/4 inch before each time the candle is lit. The reason is that carbon accumulates on the end of a wick and can weigh the wick to one side so that the candle burns unevenly. That nobby of carbon on the end of the wick can also prevent oxygen from getting to the flame, or if the wick gets too long it cannot draw wax all the way up to the top. Both can cause the flame to go out because the wick itself will then start to burn, which also produces the black soot. It gets ugly rather quickly.

I know you don't need a lesson in candle care and you might be asking what does all this have to do with anything in the eternal weight of things. Well, I can't seem to get away from today's Scripture. I keep seeing the smoldering wick of someone who is overwhelmed by life, the person who sees no way out, the smoldering wick of a life that has born much pain, and wants to believe someone cares - that they matter. They want to believe... and we glance over and think, "They're okay, I still see some light..."

You know who they are - they're burning themselves out and spewing soot all over everything around them, where once they burned brightly, cleanly. Now, there's that faint red glow on the wick that's burning itself out, no light left, just a little smoke because it's drowning. However, if they could just get a little breath of life blown their way to feed the flame... or get a little help to get rid of the weighty carbon nobs of accumulated sin so they can once again draw from the wellspring of life to keep the light burning.

Does that make any sense? Have you seen them? Is it you?

Wicks have to be tended for the candle to maintain a clean flame. Each candle is created to burn for a certain length of time, and that time is NOT accomplished if the wick is not tended properly. And if they don't burn for the length of time for which they were created, how many will not see the Light? Let us care for each other and keep the flame burning.


           Please, trim what needs to be trimmed in our lives and in the lives of those around us. Breathe Your breath of Life on us to fan the flame of Your Light to the world. As this world becomes darker, Father, cause our flame of fervor for Your Truth to burn ever more brightly so that all are drawn to You. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

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