Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
Hebrews 13:8 NLT
The frantic hoopla and the preparation and the parties. It's over... well, almost. The after-Christmas sales have started - where they mark them up so they can mark them down and we take our gift cards and buy, buy, buy! And then what? How do we balance the adrenaline rush of Christmas with the rest of winter? It's so anticlimatic...
That tends to happen when we live our life and have our expectation based on what's going on around us, rather than in us. When we ask Jesus to be our Savior and invite Him into our lives, we have a constant, a balance, a solid Rock.
In Malachi 3, God tells us, I am the LORD, I change not. That's how we know we can count on God, lean on Him, rest in Him and according to Scripture, in Him live, move and have our being. It doesn't matter how many laws are written to allow or justify sin, God doesn't change to adjust to society's demands or the latest trends. He doesn't change His mind in the midst of the storms of life, in the swells of life or in the depths.
We all know life is made up of change. Life as we know it changes so quickly and sometimes so violently, it's hard to keep an even keel. What does that mean? Even keel is a nautical term and it refers to the boat staying steady and not being tossed about. The reason is that it draws the same amount of water abaft as forward. Jesus proclaimed Himself to be the Living Water. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. If we steadily draw from Him, His Word, we will always be on an even keel.
Thank You for being the One thing we can count on to keep us anchored and steady. Let Your light guide us through the storms, in the swells and in the depths. Keep us on an even keel, Lord. Draw us ever closer to You. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen
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