Philippians 4:6-8 NLT [emphasis mine]
If we would follow the simple instructions contained in these few verses, we would never be worried again...ever. I'm not kidding. Read it again... And yet, we still have bad mood days caused by worry. Why? Because we worry about the bills. We worry about the kids. We worry about work. We worry about our homes and the government and politics and you name it and we can stress over it. We're good at that. But the first word in our Promise for Today is "Don't..."
Have you ever told a friend, "Don't worry about it. Everything's going to be alright" only to have them reply, "I can't help but worry about it" as if they had no choice. However, Paul tells us not to worry which clearly indicates that we can choose NOT to. The implication in pray about everything is to trust God in all things. Not just believe that He CAN take care of things, but that we know He WILL and thank Him for it like it's a done deal. THEN you will experience God's peace...
Oh, yeah - and that final thing - Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Trust me when I say that does not mean listen to all talk radio or the news station all day. It does not mean to fall prey to all the vidstings in social media designed to get you up in arms. God's peace WILL guard our hearts and minds as we live in Christ Jesus, but only when we don't worry.
Thank You for Your Word! Thank You for keeping it simple. Open our eyes and our hearts to catch the revelation of Your Truth and to be able to walk in it. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen
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