Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
2 Timothy 2:15 NKJV
Every worker needs tools of some sort to perform the tasks for his or her job, and hopefully, he or she also has the knowledge to utilize the tools of the trade. For instance, a gem cutter who crafts and creates needs a lot of different tools to do his work. He also needs a comprehensive guide for knowledge about all facets of his work.
Some of the knowledge a gem cutter needs to possess involves Cabochon Cutting, Facet Cutting, and Special Lapidary Technique. Three areas of knowledge, not too bad, hunh? Except that Cabochon Cutting alone involves 19 different skill sets that must be mastered. There is SO much that goes into cutting stones to create precious gems, I couldn't begin to do justice in providing a comprehensive list of tools or the knowledge required.
Some of the knowledge a gem cutter needs to possess involves Cabochon Cutting, Facet Cutting, and Special Lapidary Technique. Three areas of knowledge, not too bad, hunh? Except that Cabochon Cutting alone involves 19 different skill sets that must be mastered. There is SO much that goes into cutting stones to create precious gems, I couldn't begin to do justice in providing a comprehensive list of tools or the knowledge required.
I am sure there must be times when gem cutters wish they had the perfect everything tool - similar to a Scout knife - you know, knife, screwdriver, can opener, scissors, corkscrew, etc. Especially in this day and age where everything we use in life is bigger and better and should be convenient. As a society, we crave convenience. Whatever it is, it has to be faster, super-powered, and ready at a moment's notice.
However, no matter how or what you slice and dice, if you don't have instruction to operate the tool, it won't matter how many gadgets you've got. By the same token, if you have a lot of instruction, but no hands-on time with the tool to implement what you've learned, that won't work, either.
Keep in mind, as a Christian, we don't have to have EVERY piece of equipment in our hand to get started. And we don't have to know everything before we begin to put into practice what we are learning. God knows it all but remember, He started us off with two tablets, then came tools and material... a hammer, two boards, a few spikes...
However, no matter how or what you slice and dice, if you don't have instruction to operate the tool, it won't matter how many gadgets you've got. By the same token, if you have a lot of instruction, but no hands-on time with the tool to implement what you've learned, that won't work, either.
Keep in mind, as a Christian, we don't have to have EVERY piece of equipment in our hand to get started. And we don't have to know everything before we begin to put into practice what we are learning. God knows it all but remember, He started us off with two tablets, then came tools and material... a hammer, two boards, a few spikes...
And as a result, the truly perfect everything tool was forged. An instruction manual that doubles as a weapon against the most evil of enemies - a sword for all seasons. It is the original comprehensive help guide for FAQs. It has the answer for EVERYTHING. It's user-friendly, never crashes, and it never goes offline... although it does make provision for user re-starts, when necessary. It's The Bible. The Word of God. The Word of Truth - for the worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Hebrews 4:12 tell us the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires. Father, wash us with the water of Your Word so that we may be clean before You and be able to share Your answers with those who have questions. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen
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