I, Simon Peter, am a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ. I write this to you whose experience with God is as life-changing as ours, all due to our God's straight dealing and the intervention of our God and Savior, Jesus Christ. Grace and peace to you many times over as you deepen in your experience with God and Jesus, our Master.
2nd Peter 1:1-2 The Message
A few years back, I was on the computer at work, taking care of business with one of the engineers, when someone brought a woman to my desk. I didn't know her, but thought maybe she was the wife of one of our field guys. She was not. She asked if she could use my phone, which I thought was a little strange, considering there is a phone in the front lobby that she had to pass in order to get to our office door. I dialed the number she requested and handed her my phone.
It's a little difficult to try to give someone privacy when they're less than 2 feet away from you, talking on your phone. She proceeded to tell whoever was on the other end that she'd been clean 15 days and she wasn't messing that up for anybody, and she was afraid of repercussions from the other halfway house residents for letting the director know that the anybody's were using, so she left the house and took a "wrong" turn and wound up in our office - specifically, at my desk.
Let me just say - God is so cool.
When all was said and done, I found myself offering to give her a ride to her destination. I really felt impressed that it was a divine intervention for the woman. On the way to my car, she reiterated that she was 15 days clean (from a 20-year addiction) and wanted to know if I ever had any kids who were recovering addicts. I told her no, I had one that was recoverED, and so was her mother. She asked how long I'd been clean (since 1980). Once we got in the car, she asked if I ever sponsored people (It's a 12-step feature.) I told her not really, because I didn't do the 12-step - I took one step...to God. (Please understand - I am NOT knocking 12-step programs - I know they work, too.) So then she started to tell me about the "higher power acceptance" portion of the program. She finished with the declaration that she hadn't yet picked her higher power from the ones they offered, but she didn't believe in God because she couldn't touch Him or see Him.
I asked her if she breathed every day. She said yes. Breathe in? Yes. Out? Yes. Can you touch it? Can you see it? Her reply was no, but you could see what it does. Perfect answer. I replied, You can see what God does, too. I could tell by her face she didn't believe me, so I began.
You think you took a wrong turn in getting to my office, but let's look at the facts. There are any number of places you could have walked into, but you walked into our building. There were about 75 people on the 1st floor of our building today. 73 or 74 of them would have directed you to the phone - only 2 would not...and one of them happened to be in the lobby and brought you to my desk... To MY desk - the only one in the building (to my knowledge) who God has delivered from alcohol and drug abuse - none of which was known by the people I work with.
To make a long story a little shorter, she had to acknowledge God as the orchestrator and also acknowledged that our meeting was His handiwork. She allowed me the opportunity to pray with her before she got out of my car. God is faithful.
Definitely, a divine intervention.
Thank You for divine appointments to share our story. May we always be able to hear You and obey. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen
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