2nd Timothy 3:16 NLT
I talked with a woman whose husband decided he no longer wanted to be a husband and full-time father. A man who at one point walked with the Lord... or at least gave a very good impersonation of one who did. In the course of providing Scripture with consequences for the different scenarios, she would reply, "But he doesn't believe that. He doesn't believe that will happen."
And I know what she says is true: He doesn't believe there will be any consequences as long as he provides materially for them.
However, you have to ask yourself. If it comes down to what the Word of God says or what you believe, which do you think God accepts as Truth?
Let me explain something. It doesn't matter if you and hundreds, thousands, or even millions of other people don't believe it; if the Word of God says it, then it is Truth. You not believing it does NOT make it untrue, nor does it change God's mind.
And that's the Truth.
Purify our hearts and minds! Cause Your righteousness and Truth to rise up within us and make us more like You. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen
And that's the Truth.
Purify our hearts and minds! Cause Your righteousness and Truth to rise up within us and make us more like You. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen
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