Saturday, December 12, 2020


He took with him Mary, to whom he was engaged, who was now expecting a child.

And while they were there, the time came for her baby to be born. She gave birth to her firstborn son. She wrapped him snugly in strips of cloth and laid him in a manger, because there was no lodging available for them
Luke 2:5-7 NLT 

There is a lot of happy expectation around the world at this time of year, especially in the hearts of children. Their anticipation, the excitement - it's almost more than they can stand! For me, it is so fun to watch them. Whatever your Christmas or holiday traditions are, there is an expectation that comes with it.

What are you expecting? Has this year played out the way you were expecting? At the last New Year, we weren't expecting CoVID and when it did come about, we certainly weren't expecting to still be working from home 9 months later. 

How often do we miss what we are expecting because we expect it to arrive in a certain way and when it doesn't, it's often overlooked? Like the people expecting a Messiah to save them, but who would make His entrance by being born in a manger. Like the death of the King to establish eternal life in His kingdom for all eternity.

So we have to ask ourselves, are our expectations aligned with the Word of God?  

What are you expecting?

Let's pray together this beautiful prayer that I found this evening, written by Aubrey Coleman, staff writer at The Daily Grace Co. 


Heavenly Father,

You are good and You do good. 
Anything good that we receive comes from You.
You have formed the heavens and the earth.
You have made us for Yourself, and we find the fullness of life in You.
You are gracious in all that you do.
You care for us unconditionally.
You see our lives from young age to old and plan it according to our good and Your glory.
You know all things and see all things.
You have the best vantage point to see what’s best for us.
You are patient and kind.
Your timing is perfect.
Everything that comes to be, arrives at Your appointed times.

I confess that I have many expectations for my life.
I sometimes feel that I cannot do life well without these things.
I find myself becoming emotional when I don’t have these things, or when I’m faced with the possibility of losing them.
I sometimes lay awake at night worrying about them.
I look for the easy way to get these things.
I plan my own ways and try to establish my own steps.
I realize that these expectations can often rule my heart.
Sometimes I choose to believe that they will bring me true joy and happiness.
Sometimes I wonder if You are withholding good things from me.
Sometimes I wonder why others can have this, but I cannot.
Sometimes I become bitter and envious of others who have what I want.
My eyes fixate on my expectations and desires instead of You.
My desire for them can sometimes dictate the decisions I make.
My hopes to have them can sometimes cause me to miss out on the good gifts You have given.
I can often cling tightly to my expectations instead of relinquishing them to You!

Thank You for Your grace and patience with me.
For every time my eyes wander, Your gracious hand reaches out to turn me back to You.
Thank You for loving me without contingencies.
Thank You for loving me more than I could even know to desire to be loved.
Thank You for caring for me in ways I couldn’t even think up on my own.
Thank You for never turning Your back on me.
Thank You for allowing me to entrust my desires to You.
Thank You for listening to the longings of my heart.
Thank You for hearing even the smallest of my requests.
Thank You for promising what’s best for me even when I don’t see clearly what that is.
Thank You for orchestrating all things in a way that brings glory to Your name.
Thank You for giving me the fullness of joy and satisfaction in You.
Thank You for teaching me through my unmet expectations.

Please help me to give my desires and expectations to You.
Help me to long more for You and Your glory than for the fruition of my own plans.
Stir in my heart desires for what You desire.
Teach me truths in Your word, so that I can walk faithfully in accordance with them.
Teach me more of Your attributes, so that I may cling to them when I am doubting You.
Help me hold fast to Your promises, knowing that You always keep them.
Rescue me from any desire or expectations that keep me from You.
Remind me time and time again, that I have been offered the greatest gift in Jesus.
Remind me that He is enough.
Remind me of my hope in Him, even when my hopes are deferred and my expectations remain unmet.

In Jesus’ Name,

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