Thursday, October 10, 2024

Peace - Guest Author. Jim Mackey

I did not write this. This is a previous newsletter from Pastor Jim Mackey. He is the director of Shepherd Springs Ministries, ( in Texas, USA.


Are you a Peace Maker or a Peace Breaker?

Dear Friends,

To even the most casual observer, one would be hard-pressed NOT to admit our present world is in chaos; the more closely you watch and listen, the more obvious it becomes. Whether looking at the international picture politically, socially or culturally, my attention is drawn to a systemic invasion of global violence, corruption and stupidity. It would not be far wrong to call it pandemic; violence and corruption are simply rampant and out of control. Stupidity is increasing rapidly; I mean that literally, it is not said lightly or tongue-in-cheek. In fact, more than once the past year I have said to Lynette that I wonder if a “spirit of dumbness or stupidity” has been released on the earth.

In the face of this, I find myself to have become more sensitive to the presence, or absence, of peace...internationally, within the lives of people, or within the church. I personally want peace more, I need it more. It is far more to me than simply a feel-good emotion…it is an evidence of the Lord’s government in life, even my life; am I allowing Him to rule, to really be Lord of my life? Unfortunately, we tend to reserve Isa. 9 for the Christmas season, “Unto us a child is born…” It is in fact an eschatological treatise on the Lord’s reign over corruption, evil and oppression…at every level.

Isaiah speaks frankly and boldly about Messiah’s government and rule. The weight of all government “will rest upon his shoulders” as the “Prince of Peace” …“of the increase in his government and peace there will be no end.” God’s rule and peace are inseparable. When we submit to God’s rule (His government), His ways and sovereignty: peace comes. When we resist it, establish our own way of doing life, operate out of our human reasoning and logic: peace leaves; whether it is internationally, individually, or collectively in the church.

For several years, I have tried to distance myself from relationships with people who have over time proven to steal my peace. Mine is not a self-serving agenda to just be “happy,” it simply means I have come to realize they are walking outside of God’s government in their life. Consequently, the world around them is filled with strife, tension, trouble, pain, division and confusion…and they bring that out-of-God’s-rule into my life. I can love and extend grace to the self-governed, but I cannot walk closely, for “how can two walk together, unless they are in agreement?”

When it applies to the church, apostolic counsel is, “watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles. For such persons do not serve our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naïve.” (Rom. 16:17, 18). Look at the emphasis Paul places on rule and government: they do not serve the Lord, but themselves. Self rules and peace leaves.

It is characteristic of the NT that peace is seen as a present possession of believers, not just futuristic, a blessing yet to come; in general it describes the state of the believer in this life. Peace is the desire and work of the Father, “Grace to you and peace from God our Father.” It is how the Holy Spirit thinks, “The mind of the Spirit is life and peace.” It is the daily desire of the Lord for each of us, “The Lord of peace give you peace at all times and in all ways.” Peace is our built-in-helper to make good decisions, “Let the peace of Christ rule (umpire, make the call) in your hearts.”

It would not be far off to suggest that peace is not an option, it is a must. It is to be our pursuit, even with carnal and difficult people, “Be at peace with all men, as much as is possible.” The only hang-up is that not everyone will allow peace to happen; with some people, they make peace impossible! Do not beat yourself up when the self-governed kill peace on the altar of their personal agenda. Do not press yourself too hard when it becomes obvious people are walking in the flesh and not in the Spirit.

When a person walks into a room…what do you feel? Peace or tension? 

What do people feel when I walk into the room? Ahh, that is the question!

If the Prince of Peace has brought His Sovereign government to my little kingdom, subdued it, and made me a transformed citizen of His kingdom, then I will bring you peace.

Blessings…and peace...always!


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