Sunday, September 1, 2024

Reminder - The Question is...

Let me put this question to you: How did your new life begin? Was it by working your heads off to please God? Or was it by responding to God's Message to you? Are you going to continue this craziness? For only crazy people would think they could complete by their own efforts what was begun by God. If you weren't smart enough or strong enough to begin it, how do you suppose you could perfect it? Did you go through this whole painful learning process for nothing? It is not yet a total loss, but it certainly will be if you keep this up!Answer this question: Does the God who lavishly provides you with his own presence, his Holy Spirit, working things in your lives you could never do for yourselves, does he do these things because of your strenuous moral striving or because you trust him to do them in you? 
Galatians 3:2-5a The Message

A friend of mine once made a profound statement of Truth that just about floored me. He said, "Self-sufficiency is such a sign of no faith." Did you catch it? Listen. "Self-sufficiency is such a sign of NO faith."

Now, if this were Old Testament writing, I'd have to follow that statement with 'selah'...which is from a music mark indicating a pause. (According to Fausset's Bible Dictionary, the implication in Scripture is that, [Selah] is a call to calm reflection on the preceding words.) Self-sufficiency, no faith. Self-sufficiency, no faith! Man! It wasn't too many years ago, I would have gone ballistic over that one. Now, I humbly recognize the Truth in it.

If we never rely on God for anything - if we count only on ourselves and our own abilities to make or take care of our lives, our children, our jobs, our finances, our future, then it requires no faith. And just as sure as fear itself is the absence of faith, so is NOT trusting God. You see, NOT trusting God IS fear. Fear that He won't take care of you, fear that He won't keep you well, that He won't provide for you and what belongs to you. Fear that He really hasn't forgiven you and doubt that He even would consider it. Or worse, PRIDE - perhaps thinking you could do a better job yourself...

So... the question on the table is, Does the God who lavishly provides you with His own presence, His Holy Spirit, working things in your lives you could never do for yourselves, does He do these things because of your strenuous moral striving or because you trust Him to do them in you?


            We cannot begin to praise You or thank You enough for shining the Light of Your Truth on our lives. Thank You for setting us free to live in You, unbound by our own controlling methods of self-sufficiency. Keep us unfettered - set free from serving ourselves - and turned on to serving You and Yours. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

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