Saturday, December 30, 2023

Returning January 1, 2024

 The Promise for Today will return January 1, 2024. 
Blessings to you!


Friday, December 29, 2023

On the Way Out

Let them all praise the name of the Lord. For his name is very great; his glory towers over the earth and heaven!
Psalm 148:13 NLT

Another year drawing to a close - we're that much closer to Heaven! What better way to bid farewell to the old year and set the tone to usher in the new but with praise? Come! Let's praise the God Who got us through everything in the last year and still has great plans and purpose for our lives!

Praise the Lord!

Praise the Lord from the heavens! Praise him from the skies! Praise him, all his angels!  Praise him, all the armies of heaven! Praise him, sun and moon! Praise him, all you twinkling stars! Praise him, skies above! Praise him, vapors high above the clouds! Let every created thing give praise to the Lord, for he issued his command, and they came into being. He set them in place forever and ever. His decree will never be revoked.

Praise the Lord from the earth, you creatures of the ocean depths, fire and hail, snow and clouds, wind and weather that obey him, mountains and all hills, fruit trees and all cedars,  wild animals and all livestock, small scurrying animals and birds, kings of the earth and all people, rulers and judges of the earth, young men and young women, old men and children.

Let them all praise the name of the Lord. For his name is very great; his glory towers over the earth and heaven! He has made his people strong, honoring his faithful ones—the people of Israel who are close to him.

Praise the Lord! Psalm 148:1-14 NLT


            We give You praise for all You have done, for all You are doing, and for all You have planned to do for us in this year and in time going forward. When we take the time to reflect on all Your goodness, we are overwhelmed but we will boisterously and joyfully offer our praise and thanksgiving. We will not be silent nor let the rocks cry out in our place! Help us to be a living testimony of Your goodness and grace. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

Thursday, December 28, 2023

In Step

We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.
Proverbs 16:9 NLT

Benjamin Franklin is credited as saying, "If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail." In other words, we shouldn't just 'wing it' through life - 'flying by the seat of our pants' (although there are those who do exactly that). Do you have a goal or goals you're working toward? If so, I'm sure you are taking steps to complete those goals. Do they line up with God's plan for you? (Have you sought God's plan?)

It's a funny thing about the significance of steps. We are each on a life's journey taking steps every day. Oh, sometimes we may feel as though we're not getting anywhere, but the truth is none of us stands still for long. Proverbs 20:24 NKJV reads, A man’s steps are of the Lord; How then can a man understand his own way? reminding us that as Christians, when our steps are ordered by the Lord, we may not always understand why we go through tough times (Think Job. Think Joseph.) and yet we can and should have complete faith that He is directing our way.

Which way are your steps taking you? Are they following God's plan or your own? We take careful steps to avoid trouble and hard times. We don't like them; we don't think we should have to go through them, but oftentimes these are the places on our path where we cling to God, learning that He is most definitely with us. Psalm 37:23-24 NLT tells us, The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand. Yes, please hold our hand, Lord.

We can take great comfort in knowing that even as God reprimanded the Israelites for their rebellious hearts, He still promised salvation, declaring in Isaiah 46:11b NIV, What I have said, that I will bring about; what I have planned, that I will do. He will do it!

God is taking the necessary steps to accomplish His plan and purpose for our lives. We won't always understand His ways, He tells us that, but He is faithful and trustworthy. Isaiah tells us in 28:29 NLT, All this also comes from the Lord Almighty, whose plan is wonderful, whose wisdom is magnificent.

Are we in step with the Father's plan?


          We pray as Isaiah prayed, Lord, You are my God; I will exalt You and praise Your name, for in perfect faithfulness You have done wonderful things, things planned long ago. And as David prayed, Let the morning bring me word of Your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in You. Show me the way I should go, for to You I entrust my life. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

Wednesday, December 27, 2023


You therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.
2 Timothy 2:1 NLT

In our Promise for Today - Paul instructs Timothy to be strong in grace. Take a minute to think about that. We are saved by grace through faith... Ephesians 2:8-9 NLT reads, God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it. 

During job interviews, we are often asked what are our strengths. It can be the determining factor for whether or not we get the position we want. As humans, we tend to take great pride in what we see as the strengths in our lives. Do you know yours? Would you say grace is one of your strengths?

Here's a way to test ourselves to know. How about that one that gets on your last nerve every time you see him or her coming? How do we get rid of the anger? On paper, the answer to that is simple. We need to forgive for whatever caused the rift in the first place. Easier said than done, but so totally possible only by the grace that is in Christ Jesus. How do we forgive? Grace. How does God forgive us? Grace.

The Truth is we shouldn't take personal pride in any of our strengths. God gave them to us while we were being formed in our mother's womb. He gifted us with what we would need to accomplish His purpose for our lives. We must choose to grow in grace and to extend it toward others. In other words, do what we're supposed to be doing - to live like Jesus every day.


           Forgive us for holding unforgiveness, for being critical and judgmental. Change our hearts and minds to reflect Your love. Help us to walk in Your Word that instructs us to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

A Psalm of Praise of David

Psalm 145 NLT

Let each generation tell its children of your mighty acts; let them proclaim your power. I will meditate on your majestic, glorious splendor and your wonderful miracles. Your awe-inspiring deeds will be on every tongue; I will proclaim your greatness. Everyone will share the story of your wonderful goodness; they will sing with joy about your righteousness.

The Lord is merciful and compassionate, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love. The Lord is good to everyone. He showers compassion on all his creation. All of your works will thank you, Lord, and your faithful followers will praise you. They will speak of the glory of your kingdom; they will give examples of your power. They will tell about your mighty deeds and about the majesty and glory of your reign. For your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom. You rule throughout all generations.

The Lord always keeps his promises; he is gracious in all he does. The Lord helps the fallen and lifts those bent beneath their loads.

The eyes of all look to you in hope; you give them their food as they need it. When you open your hand, you satisfy the hunger and thirst of every living thing.

The Lord is righteous in everything he does; he is filled with kindness. The Lord is close to all who call on him, yes, to all who call on him in truth. He grants the desires of those who fear him; he hears their cries for help and rescues them. The Lord protects all those who love him, but he destroys the wicked.


           I will exalt you, my God and King, and praise Your Name forever and ever. I will praise You every day; yes, I will praise You forever. Great are You, Lord! You are most worthy of praise! No one can measure Your greatness. I will praise the Lord, and may everyone on earth bless Your holy name forever and ever. Amen

Monday, December 25, 2023

Christmas Day

From 21 Gifts of Advent by Janelle Keith

But giving thanks is a sacrifice that truly honors me. If you keep to my path, I will reveal to you the salvation of God.
Psalm 50:23 NLT

The Gift of Gratitude

There once was a dutiful priest named Zechariah. He was married to Elizabeth. Much to their disappointment, they weren’t able to have any children, so Elizabeth was left barren. It wasn’t that they didn’t pray for a child, but it seemed their prayers for children went unanswered.

Regardless, both Zechariah and Elizabeth put all their energies into serving the Lord with gratitude. Zechariah was faithful to his role and served his share of weekly sacrifices. Typically, priests in Bible times served only once in a lifetime in the Holy Temple, and some were never chosen to serve there at all.

By tradition, the long-awaited day had arrived and Zechariah was chosen to serve in the temple. Carefully holding the gold vessel of incense, he poured the sweet-smelling scent slowly onto the fire. As the incense burned, and with a grateful heart, the priest prayed over the fragrant aroma to be pleasing to God. Suddenly a man appeared out of nowhere, startling Zachariah. “Don’t be afraid,” said the angel. “Your prayer has been heard.” Zachariah silently searched his memory about which request.

Then another shocking announcement came. “Your wife, Elizabeth, will conceive and bear a son, and you shall call him John,” said the angel. “He will go before the Messiah in the spirit and power of Elijah, to prepare the people for the coming of the Lord.” 

Their son John grew up to be John the Baptist who prepared the people for Jesus’ coming to earth. So in a way, the first advent season was kicked off with many prayers from a willing servant’s heart of gratitude.

Advent reflection: Remember gratitude is a choice that honors God. And with serving you have the opportunity to encourage others with kindness and generosity. God is always working for our good, and He loves to use His children to do His good every day. Be available to serve and you could be the answer to someone else’s prayer!

How can we possibly thank You enough for all You have done for us? There aren't words enough to properly express the depth of our gratitude toward You. All we can do is lay our lives before You in service to You and to the Body of Christ and to those who are seeking You. Help us, Father, to find those in need and be Your hands extended. May all we do and say honor and glorify You. Your will be done. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Advent - Day Twenty-two

From 21 Gifts of Advent by Janelle Keith

Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see.
And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him.

Hebrews 11:1,6 NLT

The Gift of Faith

We need seasons of preparation for what is yet ahead. We need the preparation that Advent can bring to receive what Christmas represents. We need to consider the true meaning of Christmas and celebrate our faith to understand that our best days are still ahead.

It’s life-giving to me to think about the Lord and believe in Him by faith.

What do you feel God is preparing you to do? Are you making more margin to seek God in your preparations? Do the “silent” days bring fear of man or fear of God?

If nothing else is gained from reading these devotionals, my prayer is that you give God more room to work in your life. Today is the day to let more of His goodness flood your soul. Dream again with God. Set your sights on Him once more. Don’t turn away from the Christ Child, but come closer to hear His whispers.

God loves you and takes delight in you. He rewards faith; faith gives Him pleasure. (Hebrews 11:6). The Bible encourages every believer to seek God and His righteousness (Matthew 6:33). Scriptures point to how to step out and find out how to live a life pleasing to God through faith.

I believe most of us get in our own way and let fear and doubt determine our actions. That is contrary to the truth of what the Bible teaches. The devil may have diminished our sight yet once you experience the wild adventures of faith, then you can believe that anything is possible with God! It’s our responsibility to walk in faith!

Advent reflection: Trust God! God delights in the way you rely on Him and come to Him for each and every one of your needs. Trust Him to provide what only He can do! No matter what you have on your Christmas wish list, put all your faith in Him. This kind of faith is a gift and gives Him all the adoration He deserves!

           Thank You for giving us the gift of faith and for orchestrating our lives in such a way as to provide opportunities for our faith to grow! We want to please You. Keep us ever mindful of that. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Advent - Day Twenty-one

From 21 Gifts of Advent by Janelle Keith

Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony.
Colossians 3:14 NLT

The Gift of Love

The gift of God’s love heals our brokenness and strengthens us. Our lives are transformed whenever we meet our Healer face to face. When we gather together with Jesus, we can lay our burdens at Hope's feet. In the place of intimacy with God, we are transformed by grace. Christ's pure love brings hope and healing.

We celebrate, we worship, and we adore Jesus in the long-awaited season of Advent and Christmas. It’s not about the gifts, but it IS about the ultimate gift of Love we were given by God. And gifts were meant to be opened. God wants to love His children, and we must open our hearts and minds to the Lord for more of Love.

“God has put all things under the authority of Christ and has made him head over all things for the benefit of the church. And the church is his body; it is made full and complete by Christ, who fills all things everywhere with himself.” Ephesians 1:22-23 (NLT)

This verse encourages me greatly, especially at this time of year. It’s been documented that most unbelievers will go to church at least one time per year. Christmas services are the number one choice for attending! Begin to pray now for whom you want to invite. Pray about how they will receive the message of Love and that they’ll be received with love by those within the church.

Our mission is to lead people to become fully devoted followers of Christ. That includes you, too, as you read these words. We are invited by the love of God to join Jesus as Kingdom builders, and to share our faith.

Advent reflection: When our identity is based on our relationship in Christ, we can run the faith race empowered by the Holy Spirit. We can know our purpose in loving like Christ loved. Looking to the New Year, we have everything we need to be world changers. Let’s impact the world and our communities for Christ. We can lead like Jesus, with the love that we know from our Heavenly Father. We choose to love others well all the way HOME! What a gift God’s love is! It’s time to celebrate Love!

          Thank You for Your endless love! As we celebrate Your greatest Gift, help us to keep foremost in our hearts and minds that it was and is Your love that birthed the plan of salvation for us. Open our eyes to see all the opportunities to share Your love and Your plan of salvation to those around us. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

Friday, December 22, 2023

Advent - Day Twenty

From 21 Gifts of Advent by Janelle Keith

Oh come, let us sing to the Lord! Let us shout joyfully to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving; Let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms. For the Lord is the great God, And the great King above all gods. In His hand are the deep places of the earth; The heights of the hills are His also. The sea is His, for He made it;
And His hands formed the dry land. Oh come, let us worship and bow down; Let us kneel before the Lord our Maker. For He is our God...
Psalm 95:1-7a NKJV

The Gift of Worship

The days leading up to Christmas are a chance to fill our lives with renewed hope, I call it the Breath of Heaven. But how do we keep the joy of Christmas once we return to our normal lives? After coming so close to the manger?

Jesus came to bridge the gap between us and God. He came to bring the hope of Heaven to our lives. Jesus was born to die for our sins, to show us the love of the Father. Jesus also came to advance the Kingdom of God on earth. To be our bridge in making right our relationship with God. The Holy Spirit helps in those efforts, empowering us and equipping us to be the children of God and to live as He calls us to live. And to share Jesus!

Ask God to reveal His great love for you. You will be in awe of His revelations of how wide His love is for you. You will be amazed that He knows you so fully yet forgives you completely. You will be comforted by His mercy. Let your heart receive Jesus and worship Him!

He has already displayed His heart for you on the cross and given you Hope to carry on! Your life can be your spiritual worship when you pattern your life after Jesus (Romans 12:1-2). Jesus gave a charge to join Him and promised He would stick with us until the end! (Matthew 28:20).

Consider this: The Breath of Heaven invites us to reclaim the wonder of worship and the spirit of Christmas. What an opportunity but moreover...what a promise!! Come away with awe and wonder of His Majesty this Christmas. He wants us to reflect His awe-inspiring light to those who are stale or living complacently. Worship the wonderful Christ Child and receive His new life that carries us through our year. Worship daily and often!

Advent reflection: Let’s worship Him with purity of heart and with true gladness. May your rapt attention be ON Christ, the One who bleeds through eternity, and brought Hope down to you. See the promise of Emmanuel and let the awe and wonder mark your heart to always give opportunity to worship.

           We give our whole selves to You because of all You have done for us. Let our lives be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind You will find acceptable. Keep us ever mindful to not copy the behavior and customs of this world. We plead, Father, that You would transform us into new creations by changing the way we think. We want to worship You in spirit and in Truth. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Advent - Day Nineteen

From 21 Gifts of Advent by Janelle Keith

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.
Philippians 4:6  NLT

The Gift of Prayer

Are you asking some big questions of God right now? Maybe you have a lot of unanswered prayers like Zechariah and Elizabeth did. As I re-read their story in Luke 1, it reminds me of a time when I had to believe God was working in my situation but didn’t see any heavenly activity in the physical sense.

Much like Zechariah and Elizabeth, I too waited upon God for a solution. I mean they really waited upon the Lord. They never lost sight of God and were content with living a life of devotion, even in the midst of their personal hardship.

I’m encouraged this Advent season that God does indeed hear our prayers and sets to work immediately on providing a solution... He’s not a cruel manager of our requests. He hears every word we utter.

No doubt we enter seasons of life where we feel distant from God, or have sin in our lives, or feel unheard in those prayer circles. We’ve all been there a time or two. But to think that God, our Immanuel, abandons His own, is ridiculous! He is totally devoted to each of us and dedicated to growing us into His likeness.

In talking to God regularly we move away from an entitlement attitude. Guilt and shame often get in the way of our relationship with God, veiling our sight to how God is working, and robs us of simple trust in God. So dispense with these questions: God, do you care? God, do you hear? God, are you there?

Be consistent in prayer! Keep asking God for what you need. Prayer doesn’t always change your situation, but you will be changed by involving God in your situations. God’s power is the catalyst we all need to pursue our best life here on earth. God will act on your behalf and by His redirection, God brings His best protection. Talk to God about every little and big thing!

Our Advent reflection is also our prayer: 

          Help us to lean in, to stay the course. You are the Giver of every gift. We Praise You for the gifts You have given us. We look to You for what we don’t have, and not to people. We look to You alone for answers. We will seek, pray, and BELIEVE that You are our answer. In Jesus' Name

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Advent - Day Eighteen

From 21 Gifts of Advent by Janelle Keith

Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands upon us;
yes, establish the work of our hands!
Psalm 90:17 ESV

The Gift of Favor

In the Christmas story, Mary is selected as “highly favored.” (Luke 1:30) So that makes me wonder, what does God favor us to do and be?

Favor means “having approval, support or liking for someone or something. To feel or show approval or preference for.” It’s easy to be jealous of people who have favor because it appears they have it all together or are super Christians. And it’s also easy to compare our lives to others and feel like we’ve been left out.

God doesn’t compare His children, so why do we? There are numerous stories from the Bible that give us insight into what is favored by God and what is condemned. So it is imperative to walk with God, know Him, and have a daily input of God’s influence in our lives. A daily walk with the Lord, hand in hand.

Knowing the favor of God is what Jesus is talking about in the Sermon on the Mount of Olives (Matthew 5). Proverbs talks about walking with the Lord and sitting in the council of the wise. ...  Scriptures only mention the word “favor” 15 times, however, God’s word is FULL of how to live the abundant life! Jesus preached constantly about the blessed life of the believer and what an abundant life means to us today. Greatness is born through understanding God’s favor and potential for each of us. As our faith grows, so does our trust in Him; it’s the Spirit’s development of our character.

God's perfectly timed plan is still unfolding in your life! As we wait for the day when the Lord returns again, let's not miss the holy moments of abundant living in God’s favor. He speaks to us in the sunrises, sunsets, the smiles of babies, and many glances of His grace. His favor showers us with forgiveness and mercy. And God is always mindful of us. When I think about how the Lord shines His favor upon His sons and daughters, my heart can't help but respond in worship.

Advent reflection: God’s favor IS bestowed upon us. See His approval in a deep and profound way. Oh come, let us adore Him!

           Thank You that we are united with Christ and have received an inheritance from You, according to Your Word. Help us to walk uprightly. Teach us how to never let loyalty and kindness leave us! Write them deep within our hearts so that we will find favor with both You and mankind, and we will earn a good reputation to glorify You. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Advent - Day Seventeen

From 21 Gifts of Advent by Janelle Keith

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.
Romans 12:12 NIV

The Gift of Patience

Who hasn’t waited for something … and then when you received the “thing," it was anticlimactic? Have you ever suffered through any disappointment or prayed for patience? Have you ever considered that Heaven is waiting patiently, too?

...Heaven is patiently waiting for you. I’m not only talking about the greeters at the pearly gates. Heaven in all of its glory is waiting for the children of God to mature into the likeness of God. Not so we can take His place on earth, but to reflect His love, light, and truth to all who need to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

Heaven is patiently waiting for you to mature! And although no one is perfect in this, believers often fail to understand this truth. Salvation isn’t the end of our growing into His likeness. Rather, it’s the beginning of our new life in Christ as the Holy Spirit weaves God’s likeness into our spirit day by day. No one ever said it would happen quickly or come easily. On the contrary, Jesus warned us there would be troubles, but He promised peace in the overcoming. John 16:33 - “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Advent reflection: Have the patience that Heaven displays. The people in Bible times waited over 400 years from the prophecy of Jesus until His actual arrival. During times of frustration and busyness, there are bound to be interruptions and bristly people to love. We are called to be the light and be patient with others. Choose kindness and generosity towards others; be gentle, and go out of your way to serve another. And in doing so, you will grow!
[It takes patience]

            We pray according to Your Word. We want our Love to be sincere - please teach us to be devoted to one another in love and to honor one another above ourselves. Open our eyes to see those who are in need. Help us to keep our spiritual fervor, while serving You, Lord. Cause us to be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

Monday, December 18, 2023

Advent - Day Sixteen

From 21 Gifts of Advent by Janelle Keith

I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Romans 12:1-2 ESV

The Gift of Yes

This time of year is full of laughter and joy and sorrow and sadness. Much of this joy comes from people who are extraordinarily kind with random acts of kindness or those courteous checkers in the busy lanes. Much of the sadness and sorrow stems from lack of forgiveness in relationships that need mending. You know the one where you need to say “I'm sorry” first? Or maybe in those broken relationships which weren’t your fault?

Are you willing to trust God without fully knowing what He has in mind? Do you respond to God with a full heart of humility?

Perhaps you have depended on your own strength this year to accomplish something you felt led of God to do... yet there are failures all around you. Let's not mention those long-forgotten promises you made to yourself at the first of the year regarding your health improvements.

This Advent season, let’s go all in for God. If this sounds foreign to you, then hang on and let me explain. Maybe you have been reading your Bible plans faithfully, maybe you have been praying and attending church, maybe you have been waiting on God, or maybe you have been pretending. Maybe you thought you were trusting God but secretly just playing along.

Going all in for God means trusting and following His WAYS. You simply can’t just go through the motions! It’s not about following the world’s ways, the cultural trends, or meeting the status quo. It’s wholeheartedly doing what the Bible says.

All of us need God and must adhere to His holy directions. But what does that look like? Like Jesus. Jesus humbly checked in with His Father often. He set aside his divinity and willingly took orders from God. Of course He knew the plans of God, but even Jesus had to learn obedience through suffering (Hebrews 5:8). Following in obedience is our best heart’s response to God. When we say YES to God and leap wholeheartedly into God’s ways, then we become one with Jesus. Nothing can get in the way— no matter the trends, what people say, or even our own deception.

Advent reflection: It’s time to say "YES" to HIM wholeheartedly! We can’t pretend with God. Humble yourself, submit your will, and follow after God earnestly. YES! By doing so, you will open the many gifts of following His ways.

          Forgive us for the times we just go through the motions. Everything we do for You, we want to do with all our heart, all our soul, all our mind, and all our strength. Help us to do so, in Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Advent - Day Fifteen

From 21 Gifts of Advent by Janelle Keith

That night there were shepherds staying in the fields nearby, guarding their flocks of sheep. Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared among them, and the radiance of the Lord’s glory surrounded them. They were terrified, but the angel reassured them. “Don’t be afraid!” he said. “I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people. The Savior—yes, the Messiah, the Lord—has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of David! And you will recognize him by this sign: You will find a baby wrapped snugly in strips of cloth, lying in a manger.” Suddenly, the angel was joined by a vast host of others—the armies of heaven—praising God and saying,

“Glory to God in highest heaven,
and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased.”

When the angels had returned to heaven, the shepherds said to each other, “Let’s go to Bethlehem! Let’s see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about.”
They hurried to the village and found Mary and Joseph. And there was the baby, lying in the manger. After seeing him, the shepherds told everyone what had happened and what the angel had said to them about this child. All who heard the shepherds’ story were astonished, but Mary kept all these things in her heart and thought about them often. The shepherds went back to their flocks, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen. It was just as the angel had told them.
Luke 1:8-20 NLT

The Gift of Glory

The shepherds were so intrigued by the angelic announcement that they abandoned their sheep and went to see the Christ child. As they made their way into Bethlehem, they noticed a bright star lighting the dark streets. It was as if a spotlight illuminated the place where the baby lay sleeping.

The village was still. They saw their own breath hang in the cold night air. Drawn by the beam from Heaven, they instinctively headed towards the barn. There was no one around, and they arrived first. Funny, they were usually the last to hear any news from their community.

The dusty boys slowly approached the stable where a warm light glowed. They stood silently and ever so slowly. Joseph looked up and greeted them kindly. “We have come to worship a Child,” one of the boys explained. Another added, “Angels told us about His birth while we were in the field.” And the third asked, “Is this the Messiah we have all waited for?” They held their breath for Joseph’s reply. Joseph and Mary exchanged a knowing glance. “God has revealed this news to you. Come in and see the King.”

They knelt in silence, gazing at the tiny baby. It was more than bowing out of reverence. Now in His presence they suddenly lay prostrate at the sight of God. Breathless shepherds worshipping in awe and wonder. Both new mom and dad looked lovingly on the scene and knew in their hearts the special favor of God and His holiness. The glory of God silently fell on the stable.

Tears of joy and peace flowed down the shepherds’ rugged cheeks and praise welled up in everyone’s hearts, so much so that they could not contain it. It overflowed from their chapped lips, with ever-increasing waves of joy. Heaven and earth were in agreement! As "Hallelujah" shouted from Heaven and worshiping voices came from the earth, praises exchanged loudly and each chorus resounded as the angels joined in.

“Glory to God in the Highest, peace on earth, good will toward men.” Were they the same rugged outcasts who watched sheep earlier that night? No, these men had seen and touched the face of God. They were forever changed.

Advent reflection: Worshipping is releasing to receive God’s presence. Imagine touching His face and seeing His smile. Touch His glory, you will be forever changed.

           How wondrous that night must have been! We can only imagine and yet it's overwhelming - the Glory of God Incarnate! Birth within us a fresh desire and anointing to seek Your face, to be in Your presence. Show us Your Glory, O Lord, so that we are forever changed. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Advent - Day Fourteen

From 21 Gifts of Advent by Janelle Keith

The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel (which means “God with us”).
Matthew 1:23 NIV

The Gift of Names

I remember the day I decided what to name my first child. I had the perfect name for her. And then one of my friends “stole” the name I was going to use. Of course my friend had no idea, but because of that reason, I changed my mind.

I wanted to give my firstborn a unique name, a name that was befitting of her. Even though I hadn’t met her yet, a special bond had formed. After much deliberation, I decided to name her Lindsay. And I even spelled her name differently than most; the “ay” threw everyone off. She could never find anything personalized at the store. And throughout her school years, the teachers always spelled it wrong. One time her name was misspelled in a band concert program. We joke about it now, but on that one night’s performance she was known as “Lomsday.”

I guess I am to blame for giving her a “different” name. I didn’t realize then how names could hold such a special meaning. In fact, parents in many foreign countries are quite intentional in naming their children, using words with special meanings. Most are vernacular but pertinent to a current familial situation or a characteristic of the child they bear.

...Jesus came to earth prenamed, with a special assignment attached to it. Gabriel’s birth announcement came complete with His name provided to Joseph and Mary. The pressure was off this young newlywed couple. God planned for Jesus’ high appointment, so don’t think it was to give the parents one less thing to do on their nursery list.

The name of Jesus carries the weight of His purpose. In Luke 1:11-12, the angel tells Mary, “You will name him Jesus. He will be very great and will be called the Son of the Most High.” Isaiah 9:6 names the child to be born “Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace.” These are some big names! Another name for Jesus Christ is Savior “because He will save the people from their sins.” (Matthew 1:21). But my very favorite name for Jesus, the Messianic King, is found in Isaiah 7:14. Scripture refers to the Christ child as “Immanuel,” meaning God with us.

Advent reflection: What a comfort to know we have a God who knows our name AND there’s no mistaking His. His many names are the gifts for us to know Him!

           Thank You for making Yourself known to us. Thank You that as the Great I AM, You are in Truth everything we will ever need. Holy Spirit, guide us into Your Truth and give us understanding with the revelation of all You are and all You want us to be in You. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

Friday, December 15, 2023

Advent - Day Thirteen

From 21 Gifts of Advent by Janelle Keith

But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves. For if you listen to the word and don’t obey, it is like glancing at your face in a mirror. You see yourself, walk away, and forget what you look like. But if you look carefully into the perfect law that sets you free, and if you do what it says and don’t forget what you heard, then God will bless you for doing it.
James 1:22-25 NLT

The Gift of Obedience

Joseph's head hit the pillow hard that night, anchored by his heavy heart. He just had the most honest discussion with his betrothed, Mary, and heard some unexpected news. Joseph's reaction to Mary's Immaculate Conception has us wondering what could have been. Matthew was the only Gospel writer to give perspective to Joseph's response.

Joseph pits his faith against human doubt. Divine conception is only possible with God's power, and we believe this by faith. But imagine hearing this for the first time from his point of view? Honestly, it would make me question God’s plan, too. For a carpenter, it’s natural to desire to see the plan before he starts. It's in his nature to make sure all the pieces fit well to make a polished finished project.

With all the questions of doubt and worry a new dad would have, shame and unknown concerns added pressure and weight to his mind that night. However, Joseph cried out to God like a righteous man. The father-to-be went face down before the Lord; he was literally floored.

"Lord, show me what I should do," Joseph prayed. He didn't want to expose the love of his life to disgrace, but he needed a plan to save face with the community. He planned to divorce her quietly and protect Mary from public scandal. It was all he could do since their wedding plans had taken an unexpected twist.

He fell asleep. Then Heaven dispatched another angel who appeared to Joseph in a dream. He said, “Do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife.” After receiving confirmation from the angel, Joseph knew what to do to honor God and Mary. God commanded Joseph's obedience over his own understanding.

Advent reflection: Obedience is best when God asks. Position yourself face down before the Lord, and you will hear God's directions clearly. We must forgo our right to understand and simply obey. Many times understanding doesn’t come until after we move in obedience. The Lord wants our complete trust in His abilities and immediate obedience. God is sovereign, and He knows what He’s doing... He has every detail planned out for us, so we only need to obey Him.

           Please forgive us for every time we have chosen our perceived right to understand why or how over our immediate obedience to You. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Advent - Day Twelve

From 21 Gifts of Advent by Janelle Keith

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.
Colossians 3:15 NIV

The Gift of Peace

We all remember where we were when we received life-changing news. Those memories are etched in our minds, and we never forget. Who is ever prepared to hear a cancer diagnosis, face terminal illness, receive a pink slip, hear news of a tsunami, watch devastating earthquakes and news full of terrorist attacks and senseless shootings? Devastation will meet our minds with shock every time.

Think about how many times we've heard "This isn't as scary as it looks" or “There’s nothing to be afraid of.” In those situations, our minds escalate to the worst possible scenarios, don’t they? The doctor says..."this is just a routine test, it's not the big ‘C’ or anything like that.” But then the doctor was wrong, and it was cancer.

...God's peace gives order. When our lives are sinking deep into a dark world of the unknowns, a life crisis that ushers in death, change, or simple blanks in the equation, the peace of God can erase those fears. As we come face to face with our own inadequacies, weaknesses, and mounting fears, we need only to remember these two words: Fear not! Angelic announcements come with comforting assurance first, so God's peace can flood our souls. Only Heavenly peace truly comforts us, and we can receive His peace ... even in the middle of chaos and confusion.

God's peace always eradicates fear. Jesus used the words “Peace be with you” many times as he encouraged his disciples. So it’s befitting that Jesus was known as the Prince of Peace because He IS peace. What a gift peace is!

Advent reflection: Don't let your heart be fearful. Experience the gift of God’s comforting peace by casting all your worries and cares into His capable hands. When you are caught off guard, know that you have the Good Shepherd lying prostrate at the gates of Heaven, breathing peace over your situation, He leaves us with a peace that passes our understanding. We can have peace on earth because the Prince of Peace is on watch!

           Such awesome gifts You have given us!! We are SO grateful for all of them. If we were to try to list them here, there wouldn't be enough room to even begin to do so! What is mankind that You are mindful of us - and yet You are. We are ever on Your mind! When we stop and think of Your goodness and grace and the peace that You impart to us, we are overwhelmed by You. Give us truly grateful hearts, O God. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Advent - Day Eleven

From 21 Gifts of Advent by Janelle Keith

You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.
Ephesians 4:22-24 NIV

The Gift of New

...From start to finish, new life is something to cherish. There’s something sacred in holding a newborn. You beg time to stand still because you know you’re holding a miracle.

Jesus was born in a crude, damp stable in Bethlehem. Although the Christ child wasn’t conceived in a normal way, He was delivered in the manner that was common to all flesh. But God Himself wanted to welcome His own Son with the warmth of His Presence. And Mary’s gentle attitude also brought the goodness of God to a hard and stressful human birth.

Jesus’ birth was a gift given by the Father to give us new life.

Advent reflection: The gift of “new” rejuvenates your heart and spirit. As you make more room for Jesus during the Advent season, you can find a gift in the new thing God is doing in your life. God’s holy process adds renewal to our busy lives. Something wonderful from Heaven is bringing life back into your days.

         Thank You for Your Word that assures us if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! Thank You for reconciling us to Yourself through Christ and for giving us the ministry of reconciliation to help lead others to You. Give us divine appointments to help show others the way. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Advent - Day Ten

From 21 Gifts of Advent by Janelle Keith 

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Romans 15:13 NIV

The Gift of Joy

Five years ago, my parents' health was declining. My siblings and I had to make some tough decisions regarding their care in December of that year. Those days were filled with lots of tears and talks as we all armed ourselves with wisdom in each decision. It was enough to suck the joy right out of this girl.

But the time had come for me to pack for a long-awaited mission trip to Africa. I questioned, “How can I go and spread Christmas joy to children, when I am in the middle of a joyless situation with my family?”

Once on the plane, there was some joy in leaving the stress behind, at least for a while. It was a relief to think about something other than difficult decisions or concerns for another medical issue. By the time our team landed on the ground, I left all my worries behind.

The children in the small village saw our team coming and immediately ran to us. Their joy was indescribable! The team divided up into different stations for the day-long party. When I was assigned to the “dance and cake” station, I jumped for joy with excitement. Cake is a luxury for most African families who struggle to just put one meal on the table. And it just so happened that the Lord placed me in the station that offered great joy. Who doesn’t love cake and dancing?!

I watched the children’s faces as their joy increased. I watched the moms smile and laugh as they watched. I experienced a greater joy later in the day from a successful party. I saw kindness-fueled joy in the community. It was remarkable because joy is a lost emotion that hides behind poverty. I saw the Lord’s strength as His joy sustained our team through several long exhausting days. Upon returning home, I latched onto a new, energized joy for my parents' situation too.

Advent reflection: Joy increased in my heart because Jesus made me see a different perspective of life. The Christmas party God threw in Africa taught me that joy is an inside job. You can experience Christmas joy any time of the year because joy isn’t found in your circumstances; it is found in Jesus!

          Thank You that with You our joy is full. In the midst of all that's going on in the world, remind us in big and small ways to keep our eyes on You and not on the challenges we face. Father, we choose to trust You. Fill us with Your peace, joy, and hope. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

Monday, December 11, 2023

Advent - Day Nine

From 21 Gifts of Advent by Janelle Keith 

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Romans 15:13 NIV

The Gift of Anticipation

One Christmas as a teenager, I wanted a Smith Corona manual typewriter. I had just taken on a small part-time typing job and was forced to use my parents' old antiquated Underwood typewriter. That thing was clunky and like a dinosaur. So that Christmas I asked for a new typewriter to make my efforts more successful, but I didn’t really expect it.

I watched closely as the brightly papered wrapped boxes appeared under our tree. I knew what size box the typewriter should be in, and I carefully shook each larger package. Finally, the right size box mysteriously appeared overnight. I was so excited when I saw it. I grabbed the box to give it a shake and immediately knew it wasn’t a typewriter. It wasn’t heavy enough. I was disappointed when all I heard was a rattling noise coming from inside the box. I gave up on the idea of the typewriter. Saddened, I silently hoped for next year.

Christmas morning finally came and I was filled with curiosity about what could be in that box! I eagerly grabbed it from under the tree, but now something was different! It was heavier! The box was still wrapped in the same Christmas paper, so I lugged the heavy box over to my spot on the floor. My heart started to beat fast with anticipation. Could it be the typewriter I wanted? The same one I picked out in the Sears & Roebuck catalog?

I ripped the paper off, and indeed it was the typewriter I had chosen. I laughed out loud and admitted to my parents that they had me fooled. I had convinced myself that I was not going to get it based on the weight of the gift. My mom confessed, “I knew you would figure it out, so I put a brick and three pecans in there to fool you. Then last night I put the real gift in the same box.” She was right; her trick worked.

Advent reflection: This experience changed me to think differently about how God sent Jesus in an unexpected bundle. Don’t be dulled by the familiarity of the Christmas story. Let’s be people of anticipation who are expectant and look forward with joy, foresight, promise, and high hopes this year. Salvation is here and Hope is wrapped up in a personal gift!

           Thank You for giving us the true Christmas story. Open our eyes and our hearts to view it afresh - seeing and embracing all the love and wonder that it holds for us! Thank You for the Way of Salvation provided through Christ our Lord! Help us to keep our relationship with You and with others full of life and love, laughter and compassion. Give us divine appointments to invite others to be a part of Your Christmas story. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Advent - Day Eight

From 21 Gifts of Advent by Janelle Keith 

All right then, the Lord himself will give you the sign. Look! The virgin will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son and will call him Immanuel (which means ‘God is with us’).
Isaiah 7:14 NLT

The Gift of Legacy

Yesterday we spoke about the prophetic word foretelling the greatest story ever told. The Bible is full of prophecies that offer the message of Messiah’s coming and full of promises fulfilled by Jesus. Here are ten scriptures verses revealing Jesus—before and after his birth:

1. Jesus came from the line of Abraham. 
    Prophecy: Genesis 12:3. Fulfilled: Matthew 1:1.
2. Jesus’ mother was a virgin. 
    Prophecy: Isaiah 7:14. Fulfilled: Matthew 1:18–23.
3. Jesus is a descendant of Isaac and Jacob. 
    Prophecy: Genesis 17:19 and Numbers 24:17. Fulfilled: Matthew 1:2.
4. Jesus was born in the town of Bethlehem. 
    Prophecy: Micah 5:2. Fulfilled: Luke 2:1–7.
5. Jesus came from Egypt. 
    Prophecy: Hosea 11:1. Fulfilled: Matthew 2:13–15.
6. Jesus was from the tribe of Judah. 
    Prophecy: Genesis 49:10. Fulfilled: Luke 3:33.
7. Jesus entered the temple. (Important because the temple was destroyed in A.D. 70 and never rebuilt.)                 Prophecy: Malachi 3:1. Fulfilled: Luke 2:25–27.       
8. Jesus is from the lineage of King David. 
    Prophecy: Jeremiah 23:5. Fulfilled: Matthew 1:6.
9. Jesus’ birth was followed by great suffering and sorrow. 
    Prophecy: Jeremiah 31:15. Fulfilled: Matthew 2:16.
10. Jesus lived a perfect life, died by crucifixion, resurrected from death, ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of God. 
Prophecies: Ps. 22:16; Ps. 16:10; Isa. 53:10–11; Ps. 68:18; Ps. 110:1. 
Fulfilled: 1 Peter 2:21–22; Luke 23:33; Acts 2:25–32; Acts 1:9; Hebrews 1:3.

Take some time to read through these scriptures and see for yourself. Have you ever thought about why it is important to look at the lineage of Jesus? When I think of legacies, I remember that we have a righteous inheritance because of Jesus. Have you ever considered the legacy Jesus left behind as a gift?

Advent reflection: God is faithful to His Word and to all those who receive Jesus as their Savior. His eternal plan is for all mankind to be saved and to be made right with Him once again. These verses give us renewed anticipation and a hope-filled perspective for God’s promises fulfilled through Jesus. It brings joy in this season when we remember the Christ child, yet at the same time leaves us in awe and wonder of how it came to pass! God's love for us is the best Christmas classic! The story of Jesus is real!

           What an amazing bloodline You have given us! Thank You for creating such a rich legacy and offering it to us through the sacrifice and resurrection of Your Son. Thank You for making sure it was written down so we could know it and not lose sight of our inheritance. Help us to never forget You are our Father and to always bring honor and glory to You. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Advent - Day Seven

From 21 Gifts of Advent by Janelle Keith 

But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”
Luke 2:10-12 NIV

The Gift of God’s Story

...We’ve sung it in church and can’t make sense of it ourselves, but it is a strange way to save the world through a baby. Can Jesus really deliver us from sin? Can anything good come from the town of Bethlehem? Why would the best of Heaven’s divinity (Jesus) come to earth to bear the brunt of humanity?

The real Christmas story never gets old to me. With God sending love in the person of Jesus, He keeps His promise of salvation to all of us. And Jesus proved His love for us on the cross. This whole plan was initiated by God and planned for long ago to make a way back to Him. God loving us first was His idea.

God not only chose us, but He gave us a glorious inheritance in the Kingdom of Heaven with the gift of Jesus. Pure Love came down from Heaven and gifted man with eternal security, filling our days with love, joy, and peace forevermore. The celebration of Christmas reminds us of the Hope of Heaven. Hope in its purest form, wrapped up in a tiny breathing baby bundle, breathing life into our weary and tired souls.

Advent reflection: Let’s prepare for the Christmas Child to arrive in our hearts. Let’s make room for Jesus this Advent season by sharing the story with everyone. Jesus is a love story worth telling!

           We can't quite wrap our minds around the Truth that before the foundation of the world, You loved us and set Your plan in motion. We praise as Paul praised in the first chapter of Ephesians, All praise to You, God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! You have blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ. Even before You made the world, You loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in Your eyes. You decided in advance to adopt us into Your own family by making a way back to You through Jesus Christ... It is the greatest love story ever! Keep us ever mindful of our inheritance and to stay in right-standing with You, according to Your plan. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

Friday, December 8, 2023

Advent - Day Six

From 21 Gifts of Advent by Janelle Keith

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
Matthew 11:28-29 NIV

Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
Psalm 91:1 NIV

The Gift of Rest

It was a season that I was unprepared for and wasn’t sure what it would look like, but I knew I needed it. Stepping away from a full-time job after 13.5 years was scary! I prayed the following day, “Lord, make me whole!” But the slower days ahead weren’t what I had signed up for.

Honestly, it felt good to sleep in past 3:45 am. That was my old wake-up call every morning for my drive into work. Sleeping more was one side benefit, but my expectations were high for this new chapter. I wanted more than a good fat nap. I also wanted to slow down, but I didn’t know how to find rest.

I worked hard to uncover my purpose in those days of transition. Working from home was a new kind of animal. I felt weak in slowing down, but I didn’t realize how worn out I really was. Emotionally, I was spent. The transition from a high public personality to a full-time writer was challenging for me. It felt so lonely and private. I can remember feeling so unproductive in my newfound season.

So I asked God for the joy in this rest time even though it felt like I was in an isolated prison cell. Was there any joy to be found in my new snail’s paced schedule? It was a couple of months before I realized that God was working on His time frame, not mine. I slowly began to regain a better trust for His timetable with His plans for me. The time I was experiencing was meant to slow down my mind and heart—to be still and know Him in rest.

Often we try to jump ahead of God or try to produce our own spin on an agenda that doesn’t include Him. I’m learning to trust God with every need, every move, and my heart’s desires. I am left in wonder that my Father, who has no needs, can anticipate all of mine ... no matter the season.

Advent reflection: We can trust God with every season. As we accept His plans, the timing of God is crucial to our rest. You can experience true rest in knowing God through the transitions throughout your life. Finding His rest is a treasure for every passing moment to trust God deeper.

           Thank You for the mandate to find rest in Your presence. Help us to understand the difference between doing nothing and resting in You. Shine Your Light of Truth into every area of our hearts to expose the lies that we have believed and set us free from them. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Advent - Day Five

 From 21 Gifts of Advent by Janelle Keith

So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.
Matthew 24:44 NIV

The Gift of Preparation

So how do you prepare for Christmas? How do you not get lost in the stress, parties, and chaos of shopping? How do you celebrate old traditions with new ideas? Where is the peace among men in the craziness of it all? Where is the joy in an empty chair around the dinner table?

How do we do this year after year? Let’s go back to the first Christmas for answers.

How does one prepare to mother the Savior of the world? Is there a training manual specific to this special role in motherhood? There was no internet in the stable! How would Mary know what to do?

Surely, Mary dreamed about having a baby. As a mom myself, it’s safe to say that we all wonder what our children will become. We ask God for healthy babies full of giggles and grins. We prepare for the best birth experience, but every mom wants to skip over the painful process of delivery.

Mary couldn't have known the hard place of pain. Little did she know as she watched her young baby breathing new life, she would also see His last breath. She couldn't have known that she would be a witness to His death for her sins or the sins of those who put Him there. I can’t imagine the pain in a mother’s heart as she says goodbye to a child for the last time.

Mary’s response sounds simple. "May it be as You have said..." speaks of her purity of faith. Simple faith in new things and new places of waiting. New feelings of a mother's joy, followed by long days of painful, weighty sorrow. No, Mary, you couldn't have known the Savior’s life was going to end in a horrible way. Her faith can encourage us to trust God more in every season.

Advent reflection: Mary’s pure faith gives us strength and was proven strong in her preparation. Faith itself is a gift and God's great love comforts each of us in the preparation days for whatever is ahead. And even though we don’t know what the days ahead hold, we must have faith in the One who does.

          Thank You for the measure of faith You have given to each of us. Thank You that nothing can separate us from Your great love. For it is written, Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord. Thank You for Christ's sacrifice to save us. As we prepare to commemorate His birth, keep us ever mindful of His whole life poured out to fulfill Your wondrous plan for our salvation. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Advent - Day Four

“Glory to God in highest heaven, and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased.”
Luke 2:14 NLT

The God Who is with Us - by Ronnie Martin (see info at the end of this post)

Today’s Scripture passage from Luke 2 is a beautifully vivid and artistic passage from the angelic voices. The image of a choir of angels announcing the birth of the Savior can feel like the stuff of myths and legends, and yet to believe in a supernatural birth requires us to believe in a supernatural announcement of that birth.

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you consider that night so many years ago? Personally, I’ve always been struck by the line “with whom He is pleased!” I might be showing my theological convictions here, but I love how the angels describe peace—that it is for those with whom God is pleased. What pleases God? Well, it’s not sacrifice; we know that. God makes clear throughout Scripture that He doesn’t want our tangible sacrifices but the sacrifice of our obedient hearts. An obedient heart is the only heart God can be pleased with and therefore have peace with.

How do we gain obedient hearts that please God? That’s where the glorious gospel comes in. The birth of Jesus, the life of Jesus, the death of Jesus, and the resurrection of Jesus made it possible for God to have peace among those with whom He is pleased (Heb. 11:6). However hard this is to hear—the truth is that we are born with hearts that have no peace with God because they are unredeemed and unwilling to surrender to Him. It is not until God in His grace brings us to the end of ourselves and we repent of our sins and trust in the work of Christ on the cross that we enter into a peaceful relationship with God where He is pleased with us.

Pause and reflect now on the grace God showed mankind by sending His Son to be an obedient sacrifice for you. Think of the possibilities it has opened for you: peace with God, a loving relationship with Jesus, and a sure hope in this life and the life to come.

It’s helpful to remember that these shepherds didn’t return to a life of ease after their angelic visitation. There would still be long, shivery nights tending their flocks by the light of the moon. They would still be people who were not highly thought of due to the nature of their lowly vocation. Yet there would always be this one glorious night when the unimaginable happened and everything changed forever. They may have returned to the same vocation, but they didn’t return as the same shepherds. They returned glorifying and praising God for all they’d seen and heard.

What will you return to after the glory of the holiday season has passed, when it becomes a fading memory in your aging consciousness once again? Will you return like these unremarkable shepherds, glorifying and praising God for the remarkable love He has poured into your hearts through His Spirit? Will you remember that because of Christ’s supernatural visitation to Bethlehem so many years ago, all the sorrow and suffering that have visited you in your life will, like an unwanted intruder, never be given entrance again? This is the kind of infinite, everlasting peace God is pleased to give the person with whom He is pleased.


          Change our hearts! Give us obedient hearts so that we may please You and live in Your infinite, everlasting peace. We want You to be pleased with us. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

“Immanuel. God with us.” We know that God sent His Son, but what does that mean for our lives now? In this plan, Ronnie Martin walks us through what it means for God to be with us...

We would like to thank B&H Publishing for providing this plan. For more information, please visit:

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Advent - Day Three

For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin.
Hebrews 4:15 NIV

The God Who is with Us - by Ronnie Martin (see info at the end of this post)

Most of us have likely had the experience of a person who, for whatever reason, was not able to sympathize very well with us. As amazing as some of our close friends are when it comes to sympathizing with our weaknesses and temptations, they will never hold a candle to how deeply and perfectly Jesus is able to sympathize with us.

Pause on that for a moment, if you would. We have a high priest, an intercessor who sits at the right hand of our heavenly Father. What we do not have is One who has separated Himself from the anguish of our humanness. What separated Jesus from the Israelite high priests is that He walked in the same shoes as the people He ministered to but did so as the sinless Son of God.

Imagine what this means for you and me who are confronted with an endless cycle of hard-to-resist temptations that are as relentless as they are irresistible. Imagine what this means as you consider your beloved friend and high priest. It means that Jesus, the spotless lamb who came to atone for the sins of the world, “gets you.” One of the things we look for in a friend is someone who “gets us.” They know us for who we are so there’s no need for any posturing. We can be vulnerable because we have a friend in our corner who suspends judgment and just listens. We don’t have to feel shame because we have someone who sees us and accepts us even at our absolute lowest.

Of course, there are limitations to this because none of our friends can sympathize with us without sin. So imagine, for a moment, someone like Jesus knowing exactly what you went through because He went through it too but didn’t give in to the temptation like you and I do. Because He never gave in to the temptation, He has a particular, one-of-a-kind heart for you that is untainted by the sin your human friends are susceptible to. It means His love for you is unprocessed. It means His compassion for you is full. It means His joy for you is boundless. It means His forgiveness for you is all-encompassing. As much as others can sympathize with your weaknesses, they can’t offer you what Jesus our high priest can offer. This is the kind of high priestly friendship you need.

Now consider this: the sympathetic and empathetic heart of Jesus. In every respect, He has gone through what you have gone through. In all the ways you have failed when it comes to temptation, He has been faithful. His faithfulness is the very thing that covers your shame-filled failures, paper-thin faith, and Mount Everest-like fears.

In all your inabilities and instabilities, He is able and willing to stand close.

In all your insecurities and vulnerabilities, He is able and willing to stay close.

Like a shepherd who will carry you forever...


          Thank You that no temptation has overtaken us except what is common to mankind. And You are faithful; You will not let us be tempted beyond what we can bear. But when we are tempted, You will also provide a way out so that we can endure it, according to Your Word. Help us to stand firmly and walk straight in it. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

“Immanuel. God with us.” We know that God sent His Son, but what does that mean for our lives now? In this plan, Ronnie Martin walks us through what it means for God to be with us...

We would like to thank B&H Publishing for providing this plan. For more information, please visit:

Monday, December 4, 2023

Advent - Day Two

But now, Lord, what do I look for? My hope is in you.
Psalm 39:7 NIV

The God Who is with Us - by Ronnie Martin (see info at the end of this post)

We live in such a fast-moving society, don’t we? We are likely experiencing that to its fullest right now during the Christmas season. The holiday season tests our patience. We want things now, and if shopping isn’t our thing, Amazon Prime is right there to ship us what we need overnight. Amazon is, in fact, not slow to fulfill its promise of free shipping and overnight service. Unfortunately, this is how we count slowness. Something that doesn’t happen or arrive exactly as fast as we desire it to. We don’t want Amazon to be patient toward us, as much as we usually don’t want God to be patient with anyone else but us.

But God, in all of His perceived slowness, is actually patient toward you. And them. Think of it like this: if it is in the heart of God to draw close to His hell-bound creatures, then it means He will be patient toward those whose paths have not yet been rerouted.

How do you count slowness when it comes to your view of how God acts in the affairs of humanity? If you were honest, could you say that you lack patience with God’s pacing? Are there people you’d like to see come to justice? Are there relationships you wish could be resolved? Are there loved ones long gone who you want to be reunited with? Are there family members far from God who you wish He would finally intervene and save?

Why does God wait? We’re going to have to wait to know the answer to that question. What we do know is that the hand of God is only slow inasmuch as His heart is patiently seeking to save the lost.

Waiting for the ultimate fulfillment of God’s promises keeps us hoping for what we cannot see. We never hope for what we already have. We don’t need to have patience for something we have already received. God makes us wait for those very reasons, so that hope and patience produce a character that brings about the joy and happiness of Christ in us. God is not slow like we define slowness. In the same way that you are able to wait for Christmas morning much better than a child because the waiting and anticipating are as much a part of the joy as the receiving, God wants you to know a joy that can only come through a patient heart immersed in the surety of hope.

He is not slow. But He is slowing us down to become more like His Son.

Hope in Him.


          Thank You for loving us enough to slow us down to become more like Your Son. Thank You for explaining the true meaning of hope - that our hope is in You, in Your presence. We pray according to Your Word - that we would allow patience to have her perfect work in us so that we can be found complete in You and lacking nothing. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

“Immanuel. God with us.” We know that God sent His Son, but what does that mean for our lives now? In this plan, Ronnie Martin walks us through what it means for God to be with us...

We would like to thank B&H Publishing for providing this plan. For more information, please visit:

Sunday, December 3, 2023

Advent - Day One

An Advent Journey of Hope by Louie Giglio

Just the Right Time

But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons (and daughters).
Galatians 4:4–5 ESV


While God rarely comes at our appointed time, He always comes at the right time. A Savior had been promised to God’s people for centuries. And for centuries they longed and prayed for rescue to no avail. Yet on the right day, in the right place, at the right time, Jesus was born. Christmas reminds us that God comes through on His promise.

We are all waiting on something or someone, often wondering if God has forgotten us. Is that where you are today? In your waiting, let the birth of Christ encourage you. Just because God hasn’t come through (as far as you can see), it doesn’t mean He has abandoned you. This very minute He’s working for His glory and for your good. Though circumstances say otherwise, God is moving right now to fulfill His long-appointed plans for you. Don’t give up. Take hope in the manger and know that you are prized by Jesus. He stepped down
from heaven for you. And just as He loved you that day, He loves you right now. And Jesus is with you, even in the storm.


          Meet me in the waiting, the place where I long for what is not fully in view. Still my heart and give me the ability to know that You are near. I believe Your plans are good. I see it in the birth of Your only Son. But sometimes I struggle to see beyond the haze that surrounds me. Renew my confidence as I lift my eyes to You. Be glorified in my life during this season of expectation. Amen.

Saturday, December 2, 2023

He Watches

Psalm 121 NLT

I look up to the mountains - does my help come from there?
My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth!

He will not let you stumble; the one who watches over you will not slumber. Indeed, he who watches over Israel never slumbers or sleeps.

The Lord himself watches over you!
The Lord stands beside you as your protective shade.
The sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon at night.

The Lord keeps you from all harm and watches over your life.
The Lord keeps watch over you as you come and go,
both now and forever.


          You are our Protector, whom shall we fear? Remind us to always keep our eyes on You, the Author and FINISHER of our faith. Knowing You watch over us gives us peace that passes understanding even in the middle of every storm and trial. Keep us ever mindful of this Truth, both now and forever. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

Friday, December 1, 2023

For All These, We Praise

Psalm 144 NLT

Praise be to the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle. He is my loving God and my fortress, my stronghold and my deliverer, my shield, in whom I take refuge, who subdues peoples under me.

Lord, what are human beings that you care for them, mere mortals that you think of them? They are like a breath; their days are like a fleeting shadow.

Part your heavens, Lord, and come down; touch the mountains, so that they smoke. Send forth lightning and scatter the enemy; shoot your arrows and rout them. Reach down your hand from on high; deliver me and rescue me from the mighty waters, from the hands of foreigners whose mouths are full of lies, whose right hands are deceitful.

I will sing a new song to you, my God; on the ten-stringed lyre I will make music to you, to the One who gives victory to kings, who delivers his servant David.

From the deadly sword deliver me; rescue me from the hands of foreigners whose mouths are full of lies, whose right hands are deceitful.

Then our sons in their youth will be like well-nurtured plants, and our daughters will be like pillars carved to adorn a palace. Our barns will be filled with every kind of provision. Our sheep will increase by thousands, by tens of thousands in our fields; our oxen will draw heavy loads. There will be no breaching of walls, no going into captivity, no cry of distress in our streets.

Blessed is the people of whom this is true; blessed is the people whose God is the Lord.


           Yes, blessed are we for You are our Lord God Almighty! We pray Your Word from the psalms, we will praise You, Lord, with all our heart; we will praise Your name for Your unfailing love and Your faithfulness. When we call on Your Name, You answer.
       May all the kings of the earth praise You, Lord! May they sing of Your ways for Your glory is great. Though You are exalted, You look kindly on the lowly; You see us from afar. Though we walk in the midst of trouble, You preserve our lives. With Your right hand, You save us. Your love, Lord, endures forever - do not abandon the works of Your hands. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Without Sin

If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
1 John 1:8-9 NIV

Who's kidding who? We'd all like to be without sin, but the Truth is we are not. Romans 3:23 tells us, For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard [emphasis mine]. Reading in James yesterday, chapter 2 tells us even if we keep the whole law and only offend in one point, we're guilty of all. 

What hope do we have of making Heaven? Romans 7:25a, Thank God! The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord. Only Jesus. Our righteousness is as filthy rags (Isaiah 64:6), but Jesus was and is the sinless, spotless Lamb, the Perfect Sacrifice to free us from the guilt of sin. It's His righteousness that purifies us. Colossians 1:21-22 NLT declares This includes you who were once far away from God. You were his enemies, separated from him by your evil thoughts and actions. Yet now he has reconciled you to himself through the death of Christ in his physical body. As a result, he has brought you into his own presence, and you are holy and blameless as you stand before him without a single faultOnly Jesus...


          Are there even words we can utter that could possibly express the magnitude of our gratefulness to You? It is so difficult to grasp the full weight of Your love and grace and mercy toward us. Thank You for Your plan of salvation for all of mankind! Keep us ever mindful of the great price that was paid so we could be brought into right-standing with You. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Playing Favorites

Playing favorites is always a bad thing; you can do great harm in seemingly harmless ways.
Proverbs 28:21 The Message

We all have favorite things, right? Coffee, restaurant, snack, favorite pair of jeans... no harm, no foul. But do we have favorite people? Does everyone around us know who they are? 

Playing favorites is never a good thing when it comes to people. Favoritism is always at the expense of others - whether at work or in the home. Cain and Abel, Jacob and Esau carried down to the next generation, Joseph and his coat of many colors... All the doors that were opened in that family line to hatred, envy, deceitfulness, and pride. The truth is it's a sin. Yes, sin! 

James discusses it at length in chapter 2, beginning in verse 1 NLT, My dear brothers and sisters, how can you claim to have faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ if you favor some people over others? Verse 9a, the same chapter declares, But if you favor some people over others, you are committing a sin. Romans 2:11 tells us there is no favoritism with God. And we are to be like Him.


           Forgive us our sins of looking on the outward appearance of mankind and judging one better than the other, instead of seeing their hearts. Help us to undo any damage that may have been done along the way. Help us to see as You see and to love as You love. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen