Thursday, December 14, 2023

Advent - Day Twelve

From 21 Gifts of Advent by Janelle Keith

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.
Colossians 3:15 NIV

The Gift of Peace

We all remember where we were when we received life-changing news. Those memories are etched in our minds, and we never forget. Who is ever prepared to hear a cancer diagnosis, face terminal illness, receive a pink slip, hear news of a tsunami, watch devastating earthquakes and news full of terrorist attacks and senseless shootings? Devastation will meet our minds with shock every time.

Think about how many times we've heard "This isn't as scary as it looks" or “There’s nothing to be afraid of.” In those situations, our minds escalate to the worst possible scenarios, don’t they? The doctor says..."this is just a routine test, it's not the big ‘C’ or anything like that.” But then the doctor was wrong, and it was cancer.

...God's peace gives order. When our lives are sinking deep into a dark world of the unknowns, a life crisis that ushers in death, change, or simple blanks in the equation, the peace of God can erase those fears. As we come face to face with our own inadequacies, weaknesses, and mounting fears, we need only to remember these two words: Fear not! Angelic announcements come with comforting assurance first, so God's peace can flood our souls. Only Heavenly peace truly comforts us, and we can receive His peace ... even in the middle of chaos and confusion.

God's peace always eradicates fear. Jesus used the words “Peace be with you” many times as he encouraged his disciples. So it’s befitting that Jesus was known as the Prince of Peace because He IS peace. What a gift peace is!

Advent reflection: Don't let your heart be fearful. Experience the gift of God’s comforting peace by casting all your worries and cares into His capable hands. When you are caught off guard, know that you have the Good Shepherd lying prostrate at the gates of Heaven, breathing peace over your situation, He leaves us with a peace that passes our understanding. We can have peace on earth because the Prince of Peace is on watch!

           Such awesome gifts You have given us!! We are SO grateful for all of them. If we were to try to list them here, there wouldn't be enough room to even begin to do so! What is mankind that You are mindful of us - and yet You are. We are ever on Your mind! When we stop and think of Your goodness and grace and the peace that You impart to us, we are overwhelmed by You. Give us truly grateful hearts, O God. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

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