Saturday, December 23, 2023

Advent - Day Twenty-one

From 21 Gifts of Advent by Janelle Keith

Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony.
Colossians 3:14 NLT

The Gift of Love

The gift of God’s love heals our brokenness and strengthens us. Our lives are transformed whenever we meet our Healer face to face. When we gather together with Jesus, we can lay our burdens at Hope's feet. In the place of intimacy with God, we are transformed by grace. Christ's pure love brings hope and healing.

We celebrate, we worship, and we adore Jesus in the long-awaited season of Advent and Christmas. It’s not about the gifts, but it IS about the ultimate gift of Love we were given by God. And gifts were meant to be opened. God wants to love His children, and we must open our hearts and minds to the Lord for more of Love.

“God has put all things under the authority of Christ and has made him head over all things for the benefit of the church. And the church is his body; it is made full and complete by Christ, who fills all things everywhere with himself.” Ephesians 1:22-23 (NLT)

This verse encourages me greatly, especially at this time of year. It’s been documented that most unbelievers will go to church at least one time per year. Christmas services are the number one choice for attending! Begin to pray now for whom you want to invite. Pray about how they will receive the message of Love and that they’ll be received with love by those within the church.

Our mission is to lead people to become fully devoted followers of Christ. That includes you, too, as you read these words. We are invited by the love of God to join Jesus as Kingdom builders, and to share our faith.

Advent reflection: When our identity is based on our relationship in Christ, we can run the faith race empowered by the Holy Spirit. We can know our purpose in loving like Christ loved. Looking to the New Year, we have everything we need to be world changers. Let’s impact the world and our communities for Christ. We can lead like Jesus, with the love that we know from our Heavenly Father. We choose to love others well all the way HOME! What a gift God’s love is! It’s time to celebrate Love!

          Thank You for Your endless love! As we celebrate Your greatest Gift, help us to keep foremost in our hearts and minds that it was and is Your love that birthed the plan of salvation for us. Open our eyes to see all the opportunities to share Your love and Your plan of salvation to those around us. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

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