Saturday, June 9, 2018

More Than > Less Than

Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.
Romans 8:37 NKJV

What is the first word to come to your mind when you make a mistake or forget something? What is your perception of yourself as a human being - Is your focus on strengths first or weaknesses?

I have noticed that generally, the first word out of someone's mouth when they make a mistake or forget something is one of three in their self-talk: Dummy. Stupid. Idiot. On top of that, self-perception usually focuses on inadequacies, flaws, weaknesses. Bottom line. We're human. We have all of those and often it makes us feel 'less than'.

Although, if we're purposefully following Christ, our identity should be in Him. However, I can count on one hand the number of people I know who can look in a mirror and see the 'fearfully and wonderfully made' person in their reflection. (King David, Psalm 139:14)

It's perfectly okay to be honest with ourselves about our weaknesses, as long as we recognize and walk in the grace of God and His love which enable us to overcome. But in being that honest about weaknesses, let's not buy into the subtleties of the enemy of our soul whose goal it is to keep our focus on our 'less thans'. Remember, he wants to kill, steal and destroy our lives and purpose.

The point I want to make is this - let's be sure when we experience those weaknesses that we remember (or seek out) the Truths that are written in His Word. For starters - in our weakness, God is strength (see 2nd Corinthians 12). (If you want/need more examples, Google "We say God says".)

If God is in it, we will win it! He makes us more than our less thans... because He is.


            Thank You for making provision for our every need - spiritual, physical, financial. Your love is overwhelming and overwhelmingly good. Teach us to trust You in ALL things and help us to get our Truths from Your Word only. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

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