Monday, June 18, 2018

Believe Whatever

Even when there was no reason for hope, Abraham kept hoping—believing that he would become the father of many nations. For God had said to him, “That’s how many descendants you will have!” And Abraham’s faith did not weaken, even though, at about 100 years of age, he figured his body was as good as dead—and so was Sarah’s womb. Abraham never wavered in believing God’s promise. In fact, his faith grew stronger, and in this he brought glory to God. He was fully convinced that God is able to do whatever he promises. And because of Abraham’s faith, God counted him as righteous. And when God counted him as righteous, it wasn’t just for Abraham’s benefit. It was recorded for our benefit, too, assuring us that God will also count us as righteous if we believe in him, the one who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead. He was handed over to die because of our sins, and he was raised to life to make us right with God.
Romans 4:18-25 NLT

In the 21st Century, whatever has taken on a very negative connotation. A one-word response of Whatever in the course of a conversation is the equivalent of I'm not even going to discuss this with you any further because it's pointless to argue with anyone who is that (arrogant, opinionated, stupid, etc). In the same way, it can also mean, I don't believe a word you're saying, and I'm not wasting any more energy to talk to you.

No matter its use, whatever is a one-word phrase that speaks volumes. And it always has, or at least as far back as my dictionaries go (1884). It's emphatic. Why, whatever do you mean? In at least one point, it encompasses anything and everything. Whatever gave you that idea? Whatever did we do before cars, air-conditioners... etc. But to bring it back to the Promise - These days, more often than not, if you expound on certain beliefs, society has become increasingly swift to respond with "Believe whatever you want..." And many, when asked point-blank what they believe will respond with an airy, Whatever...

Can you imagine what Abraham would (NOT) have received if he'd chosen to believe whatever in today's vernacular? Instead, he chose the full promise of it. Our Promise text tells us, Abraham never wavered in believing God’s promise. In fact, his faith grew stronger, and in this he brought glory to God. He was fully convinced that God is able to do whatever he promises.

Anything and everything. We can believe whatever He promises.


           We believe You will also count us as righteous if we believe in You, the One who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead. Jesus was handed over to die because of our sins, and He was raised to life to make us right with You. And we choose to believe that whatever You promised Your children, You are able to do. Help us to walk in faith, believing. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

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