Friday, September 8, 2023

Just Like Your Father

Learn to do good.
Seek justice.
Help the oppressed.
Defend the cause of orphans.
Fight for the rights of widows.
Isaiah 1:17 NLT

Had he lived, my father would have been 104 today. Sadly, he passed away 22 years ago, estranged from the real world. He was quite a character during his lifetime. He definitely marched to a different drum, and not always one that was accepted by "normal" standards. As a teenager, when I would behave in a manner that did not please my mother, she would say, "You're just like your father!" in an effort to get me to repent of my ways. I can't say it always worked. 😊 

Later, when I came to understand the character of God the Father, it was a different story. I wanted to be like our heavenly Father. I wanted to take on His characteristics - love and mercy and grace and forgiveness, faithfulness, to name a scant few. And just like God reached out for us to save us from sin and ourselves when we had nothing of value to offer Him in return, He wants us to reach out to others to lead them to God through Christ. He wants us to be just like our Father.


          Help us to be like You. Forgive us all the times we fall short of doing so. Breathe Your Holy Spirit into us. Open our eyes to see those who need, In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

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