Friday, September 1, 2023

Face to Face

[God speaking] Would you condemn me to justify yourself?
Job 40:8b NIV

I'm sure you've noticed the increased antagonism on social platforms and news sites, with people challenging and belligerent in response to situations or people they will never see in real life. Verbally criticizing people with whom they have no relationship and situations in which they have no experience, let alone expertise, and yet exalting themselves. It's so much easier to do when they are not face-to-face. I wonder what they would say or do if they ever did come face-to-face with the subject or object of their inflammable comments.

People do the same thing to God...They blame Him when bad things happen, yet take no responsibility for having sown bad seed in their lives. Sadly, it's not a surprise. Mankind has done that all the way back to Adam who blamed God for the fall (in Genesis 3:12).

It's not a new thing. However, I think mankind has lost the Truth that we will all one day stand face-to-face with a sovereign God to give an accounting, just as Job did in our Scripture passage today. What will our answer be then?


          Please forgive us for the times we have judged others and especially for those times we have judged You. Help us to daily walk in repentance and humility. Right our wrongs, Father. Please keep the reality of Heaven forefront in our thoughts. We're already one day closer. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

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