Sunday, December 16, 2018

* Losing Your Mind

Don’t be anxious about anything; rather, bring up all of your requests to God in your prayers and petitions, along with giving thanks. Then the peace of God that exceeds all understanding will keep your hearts and minds safe in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6-7 Common English Bible (CEB)

"I think I'm losing my mind," her voice was subdued in response to my question. She wasn't joking or making light of the inquiry. I knew she was serious. There was no sparkle in her eye; there was only torment. The weight of emotional pain was overwhelming her - body, soul, mind, and spirit.

Have you ever been in that place? Chances are, you may have been at one time or another. Maybe you're there now, wondering what in the world you are going to do. And if that's you, I want to speak directly to you.

I don't know your circumstances or your questions, but God does. I don't have all the answers, but I know the One Who does. I have been in that same place and I am here to tell you - unequivocally - that God will bring you out. Don't give up. Don't quit now. He WILL see you through to the other side of this. What I DO have is the living proof of His faithfulness to make good on the promises in His Word.

You see, I thought I was a goner. I thought dying would be the only way out of the mess I was in. I was so broken and dead inside that I couldn't see any way out. I couldn't keep two coherent thoughts in my head because of the things that overwhelmed me. I was losing my mind. Then I found the verses of our promise for today.

Back then, I didn't know if God had the time or the inclination to hear all my prayers and petitions, but I chose to believe the Truth of His Word over the facts of my circumstances. And now, this many years later, I am here to tell you that God keeps His Word, and if we will choose to keep His Word, too, then we will surely reap the many benefits of His peace that exceeds all understanding and will keep our hearts and MINDS SAFE in Christ Jesus. 

The Word of God tells us if He does it for one person, He'll do it for all, so let me leave you with this encouragement from Psalm 40...    

I waited patiently for the Lord to help me,
    and he turned to me and heard my cry.
He lifted me out of the pit of despair,
    out of the mud and the mire.
He set my feet on solid ground
    and steadied me as I walked along.
He has given me a new song to sing,
    a hymn of praise to our God.


          I pray according to Your Word that Many will see what [You] have done and be amazed, and that they will put their trust in You, LordIn Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

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