And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.”
2nd Corinthians 12:9a NKJV
Are you strong? Are you able to bear up under great stresses and great loads? Do you realize that the only strength you have is what God gives to you for you to accomplish His will and plan?
I know people who all the time quote, "In my weakness, He is strength," but I'm not sure they realize what they're saying or asking. They think they're proclaiming God will make them even stronger when they feel weak. I don't think it's about that. I think it's about recognizing my weakness and inability to live life, and to do this on my own and in my own strength.
However, for years I tried to do exactly that. I would confess that Scripture and expect to be fortified with unbeatable strength of mind and will and body. It wasn't until I came to the end of myself, broken and undone, with no hope for tomorrow that I discovered the Truth about the strength of God. I threw myself on the altar, recognizing that I had nothing left. Face down before the Lord, I had to admit there was nothing in me that could do one more day of anything.
In that moment, when I confessed my weaknesses to God, I felt His love and strength. I was no longer full of myself, and in doing that, I had made room for God. His strength is made perfect in my weakness. Recognizing that, taking in the Truth of His Word, I became truly, perfectly strong... but only in God.
Shine the Light on Your Word, rightly dividing it for us to ingest and become like You. We love you, Lord. Thank You for being our strength, our strong tower. Help us to walk in Your Truth. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen
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