Psalm 127:3 NLT
They tried for several years and couldn't conceive. Finally, they went to the doctor. The doctor's report was devastating. We stood as a family, praying at the altar. My daughter-in-love in tears, unable to speak, like Hannah in 1st Samuel. As we prayed, I felt compelled to ask my son, "What do you say? I know what the doctor said, but what do YOU say?" He replied with conviction, "I've seen our child. I know God is going to give us one." And that day, standing at the altar in the front of the church, we came into agreement with the Father and the Spirit of Truth.
It was several more years and two job relocations later, when they finally conceived. So there she was in a brand new town. No connections. And she was actually refused by two doctors because she was considered too high-risk. However, as it turned out, the location they were in had a doctor that specialized in my daughter-in-love's condition. God's hand of provision and protection... literally. On the first sonogram, I could see the outline of an adult hand on the baby. I knew it was God's hand.
It is good to remember the landmarks of our lives and the blessings of provision and protection You have given us. Thank You so much for everything! Please continue to keep Your hand upon this precious child. Teach us, Father, so that we are able to teach and prepare her for all You have planned for her life. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen
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