Saturday, January 28, 2017

* Remember the Times

But watch out! Be careful never to forget what you yourself have seen. Do not let these memories escape from your mind as long as you live! And be sure to pass them on to your children and grandchildren.
Deuteronomy 4:9 NLT

I am fascinated with the history of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and struck by the importance of passing down to the generations what God has done. I am reminded of how precious memories become when memories of someone are all we have left. We tell ourselves we'll never forget, but we do. 

We rarely build physical landmarks to remind us of what God did "in that place on that day." But the older I get, the more I think about who will tell the stories of what God has done for us. It's important for our children to know. It's more important for our grandchildren to know. It's most important that we remember and give God the honor and praise that's due to Him!

I have begun to ask the Holy Spirit to bring all things to my remembrance so that I may testify of God's faithfulness to me, to my children and grandchildren. I want to write them down and put them in a binder for easy access to all the generations of my family. I want my heavenly Father to get His proper due and I want the generations to know of His wondrous works in the history of their lives. We must remember the times...


         We pray Your Word - Take us by the hand. Lead us down the path of Your Truths. Mark the milestones of Your mercy and love, God, and rebuild the ancient landmarks in our lives. Let Your Name and faithfulness be glorified in our generations. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen 

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