Thursday, January 12, 2017

* Difficult, Despite the Promise

When Esau was 40 years old, he married Judith daughter of Beeri the Hittite, and Basemath daughter of Elon the Hittite. They made life very difficult for Isaac and Rebekah.
Genesis 26:34-35 CEB

In verses 2-5 of this same chapter, God visits Isaac, the son of promise, and reiterates His blessing of Abraham, promising to keep His word with Isaac in regard to all the lands and the number of descendants too many to count and that all the nations of the earth will be blessed because of them. 

Can you imagine if the Lord came down and declared all that to you? Wouldn't you think you were set for life - and all the generations after you? "This is going to be a piece of cake - I got the Promise!" But that's not at all what transpired. By the end of the chapter, the in-laws were already outlaws. Verse 35 - They made life very difficult for Isaac and Rebekah. Their lives were "very difficult"  despite the promise!

How often do we get a word from God and think, "Oh, this is it! Everything's coming up roses now!" but then we find we're dealing with more thorns of life than roses? More fertilizer...  Do we turn against God? Do we get angry with Him? Do we doubt His Word? Do we become UNbelievers?

Let's do a heart check. What was the last thing you heard God speak to your spirit? Do you believe it? Has it happened? If not, do you still believe it? Has your life been difficult despite the promise? Don't give up. Don't stop believing. God is still on the throne and He's working His plan for your life. Trust Him.


          Bring back to our hearts all that You have spoken to us. Help us to do an honest check of our faith and trust in You. Grow us up in You, Lord. Help us to remain steadfast and immovable, always excelling in the work You've laid before us. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

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