Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Making the Connection *

You are to redeem every firstborn donkey with a lamb, and if you don’t redeem it, you are to break its neck. 
Exodus 13:13a ISV

When they came near Jerusalem and had reached Bethphage on the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two disciples on ahead and told them, “Go into the village ahead of you. At once you will find a donkey tied up and a colt with it. Untie them, and bring them to me. If anyone says anything to you, tell him, ‘The Lord needs them,’ and that person will send them at once.”   
Matthew 21:1-3 ISV

If you know me, you know that one of my most favorite stories in the Bible is in Numbers 22, where the donkey speaks to the prophet... because for me, it is a story of hope. If God will use a donkey to talk to a prophet, He can use me to talk to you. J

Back to our Scripture passages, I found it most telling that a donkey had to be redeemed with a lamb or have its neck broken, and later, that the Lamb of God rode a donkey for His Triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Sometimes, I'm a little slow in connecting the obvious, but this one got my attention. 

You know, there's all kinds of history and background on donkeys, and especially how differently they were perceived in Christ's day compared to now. However, I'm no expert, and I'll leave you to do your own study on that, if you like. 

The fact remains, the beast of burden was considered unclean and had to be redeemed to be able to live. Does that story sound familiar? Are you making the connection?


          I love how You waste absolutely nothing. Help us to connect everything to the thread of love that You weave so beautifully throughout the Bible. Give us understanding, O God! We want to know You more. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

Monday, January 30, 2017

* I Need Proof

I deliberately kept it plain and simple: first Jesus and who he is; then Jesus and what he did—Jesus crucified. I was unsure of how to go about this, and felt totally inadequate—I was scared to death, if you want the truth of it—and so nothing I said could have impressed you or anyone else. 

1st Corinthians 2:2-3 The Message

I sat reminiscing with a sweet friend of mine, and it turned into a praise party - both of us praising God and still in awe of where He has brought us from - not only in our life journey, but just in the last 12 months.

Has it been difficult? Oh, yes! Are there still things that aren't anywhere near perfect? Oh, yes! Including us? Oh, definitely yes!! 

I can't tell you that if you become a Christ-follower that your life will be perfect. I can't tell you all your problems will disappear, that you won't have hard times or heartaches. I can't tell you that you won't struggle with sin. The truth is, as long as we live on this earth, we're going to have issues. Jesus even told us so ahead of time. 

The good news is Christ promised to NEVER leave us. He will never forsake us. Even if we FEEL alone, we are not. What? Oh, you're right, I don't know your life or life experiences, so technically, you might think I can't say that in all certainty, but I can and I do because I know who He is. And I can prove to you that He has never walked away from you.

I want you to stop for a minute and think about this. Every trial, every heartache, every illness, every mountain that's ever come against you and threatened your life in any way, I guarantee you that somehow God has brought you through it. Every time you wanted to die and every time you thought you would never live through the situation, He never left you... 

You're still drawing breath. You're still here. YOU are the proof. I would even say, the LIVING proof. 


          I don't have silver or gold, no amassed earthly wealth, but help me to give completely to others what I do have. You! Let every word, every story be a testimony of the evidence of You in our lives. I pray that we will acknowledge the proof. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

Saturday, January 28, 2017

* Remember the Times

But watch out! Be careful never to forget what you yourself have seen. Do not let these memories escape from your mind as long as you live! And be sure to pass them on to your children and grandchildren.
Deuteronomy 4:9 NLT

I am fascinated with the history of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and struck by the importance of passing down to the generations what God has done. I am reminded of how precious memories become when memories of someone are all we have left. We tell ourselves we'll never forget, but we do. 

We rarely build physical landmarks to remind us of what God did "in that place on that day." But the older I get, the more I think about who will tell the stories of what God has done for us. It's important for our children to know. It's more important for our grandchildren to know. It's most important that we remember and give God the honor and praise that's due to Him!

I have begun to ask the Holy Spirit to bring all things to my remembrance so that I may testify of God's faithfulness to me, to my children and grandchildren. I want to write them down and put them in a binder for easy access to all the generations of my family. I want my heavenly Father to get His proper due and I want the generations to know of His wondrous works in the history of their lives. We must remember the times...


         We pray Your Word - Take us by the hand. Lead us down the path of Your Truths. Mark the milestones of Your mercy and love, God, and rebuild the ancient landmarks in our lives. Let Your Name and faithfulness be glorified in our generations. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen 

Friday, January 27, 2017

Name Your Weapon +

A final word: Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil.

Ephesians 6:10-11 NLT

Quick! What are your weapons? Can you identify all the pieces of your armor?

Were you able to do it? No, it's not a competition. It's a battle. And our weapons MUST be God-issued armor if we hope to survive. We cannot do this life without Christ and all the provision He has made for us. So let's go over our checklist. I'm going to use The Message because, in this passage, it reads more like a handbook, and we must wake up to the Truth about the battle that wages for our souls. 

So take everything the Master has set out for you, well-made weapons of the best materials. And put them to use so you will be able to stand up to everything the Devil throws your way. 

This is no afternoon athletic contest that we’ll walk away from and forget about in a couple of hours. This is for keeps, a life-or-death fight to the finish against the Devil and all his angels.

Be prepared. You’re up against far more than you can handle on your own. Take all the help you can get, every weapon God has issued, so that when it’s all over but the shouting you’ll still be on your feet. 
  • Truth, 
  • Righteousness, 
  • Peace,
  • Faith, and 
  • Salvation are more than words. Learn how to apply them. You’ll need them throughout your life. 
God’s Word is an indispensable weapon.

In the same way, prayer is essential in this ongoing warfare.

Pray hard and long.

Pray for your brothers and sisters.

Keep your eyes open.
Keep each other’s spirits up so that no one falls behind or drops out. Ephesians 6:11-18 The Message

Other translations read, "Keep alert..." Are you?


           We want to successfully fight the good fight!  Not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but as the servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart; as unto You, Lord. Give us Your Strength. Help us always to remember that it all comes from You. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

Thursday, January 26, 2017

* An Intervention

So—who is like me? Who holds a candle to me?” says The Holy. 
Look at the night skies: Who do you think made all this? Who marches this army of stars out each night, counts them off, calls each by name —so magnificent! so powerful!— and never overlooks a single one?
Isaiah 40:25-26 The Message

I was reading a Foreword written by Robert MacKenzie about the lives of two ordinary people who would become two of the greatest Christian songwriters of the 20th century, and this one line just seemed to spring right off the page. "...as they struggled to translate the call of the God of the Universe into the daily challenge of raising a family in an often hard world with real-life problems and real-life opportunities." 

How often do we forget to include the God of the Universe in the day-to-day of life - the daily challenges? Are we guilty of just saving God for the big stuff - the life crises that arise? The Word of God warns us that it's the little foxes that spoil the vine. It's the small stuff - the everyday grind, we're tired, we tend to fill up all of our time with work and errands and extra-curricular activities and get caught up in the nothingness of life. Oftentimes, it's only when we reach the end of our proverbial rope that we cry out to God for His intervention. 

Let's stop for just a moment, right here. Right now and think about this. The God of the Universe - the Creator - Who marches this army of stars out each night, counts them off, calls each by name
—so magnificent! so powerful!— and never overlooks a single one... THAT God wants us (you and me!) to spend time with Him on a daily basis. Do we believe that? If not, perhaps it's because we haven't spent enough time getting to know Him for who He is...

Isaiah 40:28-31 in the Message reads, Don’t you know anything? Haven’t you been listening? God doesn’t come and go. God lasts. He’s Creator of all you can see or imagine. He doesn’t get tired out, doesn’t pause to catch his breath. And he knows everything, inside and out. He energizes those who get tired, gives fresh strength to dropouts. For even young people tire and drop out, young folk in their prime stumble and fall. But those who wait upon God get fresh strength. They spread their wings and soar like eagles, They run and don’t get tired, they walk and don’t lag behind.

But those who wait upon God... that's the intervention our lives require.


          Broaden our vision to be able to see You for who You are, and to live our lives in You, the God of the Universe. Your ways are so much higher than our ways, but we choose to trust You in that. Strengthen us as we wait upon You, Father. Intervene in our lives and help us to see beyond the normal scope of every day. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

* Taste and See

Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him!
Psalm 34:8 NLT

Oh, that we would hunger for God! I have had several people in the last week want to challenge the Truth in today's Promise. They've experienced terrible loss and heartbreak and can't seem to find the faith to believe that the Lord is good in all of it. I've been in that same place, and all I can do is offer you the comfort of the Truth that God taught me in the midst of those times.

Farfalle is one of my favorite pastas, but I don't want to eat it until it's been in the hot water to soften it and salt's been added. I love Italian tomato sauces, but I don't like chunks of cooked tomato, so into the blender it goes to smooth out the lumps. And I do NOT eat raw meat, so I set a fire under it. I don't eat basil or garlic by itself, and bay leaf is actually poisonous if you eat it whole, but adds a delicious flavor to the sauce. All ingredients of one great dish when put together after the proper heat has been applied.

It's a good picture of our lives, too. Sometimes, we're too hard and it takes a lot of hot water and heat to make us soft enough to be palatable to those around us. Sometimes, we're raw and need the heat to cauterize our wounded spirit and to prevent the infection of bitterness in our soul. Sometimes, we don't like what's being added to our lives - it's like salt in a wound! Sometimes, we're sure it will kill us - but the Master knows just the right amount of everything we need and He times it all perfectly. We are His masterpiece and we need to serve Him well.

Taste and see that the Lord is good.


          Open our spiritual palate to appreciate the richness of Your mercy and Your grace in our lives. Continue to season us with Your wisdom. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

* Love Sprinkles

And since we have a great High Priest who rules over God’s house, let us go right into the presence of God with sincere hearts fully trusting him. For our guilty consciences have been sprinkled with Christ’s blood to make us clean, and our bodies have been washed with pure water. Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise.
Hebrews 10:21-23 NLT

I just dropped off my youngest granddaughter at her house, after spending the evening with her. She's so sweet. When I leave, she calls out, "Love sprinkles! Love sprinkles!" which is something I started with all my grandchildren from the beginning. To properly do love sprinkles, you lift your arms to shoulder height in front of you and waggle the fingers on both hands as though you're dripping love drops from your fingertips. They make you feel more loved than a hug because you're covered in love by the time you're done being sprinkled. I know, sounds silly, right? But not to a child.

Tonight I started thinking about the Old Testament practice of sprinkling blood on the altar of sacrifice. The blood that atoned for the sins of the people. A foreshadow of the precious Blood of Jesus shed once and for all to atone for our sins. Scripture tells us, there is no greater love than to lay down your life for someone else. It wasn't our sin that drove Christ to the Cross; it was His great love for us. His love poured out... WAY more than sprinkles.

Scripture also tells us, The end of the world is coming soon. Therefore, be earnest and disciplined in your prayers. Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins. (1st Peter 4:7-8 NLT) Can we pour out enough love to cover a multitude of sins? It starts with a sprinkle.


          How can we ever thank You properly for loving us beyond our comprehension, enough to blot out our sins? Love Sprinkling our guilty consciences to make us clean. Lord, we will hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for You can be trusted to keep Your promise. Give us an even clearer understanding of Your love, in Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

Monday, January 23, 2017

* A God Sign

Then God said, “I am giving you a sign of my covenant with you and with all living creatures, for all generations to come. I have placed my rainbow in the clouds. It is the sign of my covenant with you and with all the earth. When I send clouds over the earth, the rainbow will appear in the clouds, and I will remember my covenant with you and with all living creatures. Never again will the floodwaters destroy all life. When I see the rainbow in the clouds, I will remember the eternal covenant between God and every living creature on earth. 

Genesis 9:16 NLT

When you're in the middle of a tough time in life, do you ever have to fight to hold on to God's Truth? Do you ever struggle with holding onto the Truth of God's Word over the facts of what you're facing? Do you ever beg God for a sign? I think we all have at one time or another. Sometimes, life is hard.

What I love about our heavenly Father is that He understands our human frailty. I'm not talking about making excuses for bad behavior or choosing to do things our way instead of His. I'm talking about knowing that sometimes we need a faith boost, something to bolster our belief. Here's something that speaks to me.

According to the Answers in Genesis website, they've determined that the Flood took place about 2348 BC.  I didn't know Noah or any of the next umpteen generations after that. I'm old, but I'm not that old! In fact, I only know three generations back and none of them knew Noah, either. At least not personally. 

But in our Promise for Today, God said to Noah, I am giving you a sign of my covenant with you and with all living creatures, for all generations to come. I have placed my rainbow in the clouds. And for over 4,000 years that rainbow has appeared in the clouds of every storm where the sun has come shining through, both physically and spiritually!  God did not forget, nor will He forget what He has promised. 

Every time you see a rainbow, you can KNOW that God's promises are everlasting. He hasn't forgotten.


          You are so good to us! The depth and breadth of Your love are beyond our comprehension! Keep us ever mindful that we don't have to know everything; we only have to know You. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

Sunday, January 22, 2017

* The Proper Order

“Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.
Matthew 6:31-34 NKJV

Why is it we go to work every day - for a paycheck? To pay bills? To provide? Eat? To be able to drive a decent car? Take a vacation? So we can buy things we want? Nothing wrong with that - unless it's our only motivation.

If it is, in fact, our only motivation, then our lives are all about us. We're taking care of "Number One" - the world's view of what's most important. If we put ourselves first, the world may applaud, but the sad truth is, we are out of order.

God is not ignorant of our daily needs or our long-term needs. He is totally aware of all we require. That's why He sent Christ into the world. Our Promise for Today reads, But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

First. Seek first. Seek God first. How can we follow Him if He's not first? When we make Him first, that makes us second and that puts us in the proper order.


            We always want to be in the proper order of things with You. More of You, less of me. You first. Always You first. Lead us, O God, and we will follow. You first. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Great and Precious Promises ++

Therefore, I will always remind you about these things—even though you already know them and are standing firm in the truth you have been taught. And it is only right that I should keep on reminding you as long as I live.
2nd Peter 1: 12-13 NLT

His Word
By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know Him, the one who called us to Himself by means of His marvelous glory and excellence. And because of His glory and excellence, He has given us great and precious promises. These are the promises that enable you to share His divine nature and escape the world’s corruption caused by human desires.

In view of all this, make every effort to respond to God’s promises. Supplement your faith with a generous provision of moral excellence, and moral excellence with knowledge, and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with patient endurance, and patient endurance with godliness, and godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love for everyone.

The more you grow like this, the more productive and useful you will be in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. But those who fail to develop in this way are shortsighted or blind, forgetting that they have been cleansed from their old sins.

So, dear brothers and sisters, work hard to prove that you really are among those God has called and chosen. Do these things, and you will never fall away. Then God will give you a grand entrance into the eternal Kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 
2nd Peter 1:3-11 NLT


           Birth in us a fresh desire to know Your Word so that we ARE able to respond to Your promises, to share Your divine nature and escape the word's corruptions. We are looking forward to the grand entrance! In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

Friday, January 20, 2017

Can I Get a Witness? +

He replied, “The Father alone has the authority to set those dates and times, and they are not for you to know. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere - in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

After saying this, he was taken up into a cloud while they were watching, and they could no longer see him. As they strained to see him rising into heaven, two white-robed men suddenly stood among them. “Men of Galilee,” they said, “why are you standing here staring into heaven? Jesus has been taken from you into heaven, but someday he will return from heaven in the same way you saw him go!” 
Acts 1:7-11 NLT

Where are we in the Story? Jesus had been crucified, buried, risen from the dead, and walked on Earth. He's standing there with the apostles who kept asking Him, "Now? Now are You going to free Israel? Now are You going to restore the Kingdom?" And He basically tells them it's none of their business. 

WE would think that would be important, but here's what Christ thought was more important. In fact, SO important that it was the last thing He said to them on Earth, ...you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses...

Then He left and immediately, two messengers came to ask why they were still standing there and to let them know, He is coming back.

He IS coming back. Are we witnessing? WHAT are we witnessing? Are our lives witnessing His life story in ours? 

If not, it's never too late to start.


            Oh, that our lives would be a continual GOOD witness for You!! Help us, O God, in Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

Thursday, January 19, 2017

* Finding The Way

Jesus told him, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.   
John 14:6 NLT

Even the most novice of Christ-followers can quote this verse. But do we understand it completely? 

Most think it's only about finding salvation, but it's so much more than that! 

Think about some of the Names of God:

Jehovah Shalom - The Lord is peace
Jehovah Jireh - The Lord will provide
Jehovah Nissi - The Lord is my banner
Jehovah Rapha - The Lord my healer
Jehovah Sabbaoth - The Lord of Hosts - Commander of the Angel Armies!

And that's just to name a few.

Do you think God changes into each of these names individually on an as-needed basis? Or is He the God who never changes and the Great I AM?  According to Scripture, He is the same yesterday, today and forever. So if He doesn't change, then He is ALL of these (and more). Think about THAT for a moment!

So then, if God is all these things, we definitely want to get to Him. We NEED to get to Him. We need salvation. We need to be healed. We need provision. We need PEACE! When we get into His presence, do you think He has one place for peace, another place for healing, a different place for salvation? There's not one door marked 'healing', and one marked 'provision' or one marked 'peace' - at least, not by God. Do you know and understand that when we are in His presence, we have it all? 

So, how DO we get to Him? Jesus said, I am THE way, THE truth, and THE life. No one can come to the Father except through me. [emphasis mine]  He's not one door for salvation and then playing tag for the rest of them. It is ALL available to us when we accept Christ as our Savior. When we spend time in His presence, we have it all. 

Whatever you require, find it in Him.


          Open our hearts and eyes to see You in Your fullness. Help us to walk in YOUR way - the only way - in Your Truth and Your light as we live our lives before You. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

* Unrelenting Disappointment

Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a dream fulfilled is a tree of life.
Proverbs 13:12 NLT

This week, I heard an evangelist make a simple, but profound statement. He said, "Hope is the soil (or seedbed) where faith can grow." It seemed very simple in delivery, but it pierced my soul. And the more I've thought about it, the more profound it becomes to me. For without hope, what happens to our faith?

In the day-to-day grind of things, life often becomes routine for lots of people. Automatic. Wake up, go to work, come home/run errands, eat, then whatever your nighttime schedule may be - go the gym, pay bills, watch TV, kids do homework or go to sports practice - then go to bed. Get up in the morning and start over.

For others, it's wishing they had a job to go to, worrying about the house, wondering what they'll eat or feed the kids or how they'll pay the bills, then go to bed. And they get up in the morning and it starts over.

For some, it's living with daily pain - physical, emotional, spiritual - until it's all they can do just to get through the day until it's time to go to bed. Then they get up in the morning and it starts over.

And for most, there comes a time when hope seems to dry up and blow away, scattered to the four winds along with whatever dreams they had. The Message interprets hope deferred as unrelenting disappointment. It's depressing just reading that, isn't it? It is a subtle weapon of the enemy of our souls! Without hope, there are no dreams. No faith for the desires of our heart that God has promised to give to those who delight in Him (Psalm 37:4).

We must look to God and seek His presence in our daily lives! If we relegate Him to the back burner of our lives behind everything else (or anything else), we aid the enemy in stealing our hope.

Paul tells us in 1st Timothy 1:1, This letter is from Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus, appointed by the command of God our Savior and Christ Jesus, who gives us hope. And again in chapter 4:10, This is why we work hard and continue to struggle, for our hope is in the living God, who is the Savior of all people and particularly of all believers.

If you live in a world of unrelenting disappointment and you're heartsick, come to the Jesus for He is Jehovah Rapha, God our Healer.


            You are our Savior, our Healer, the One who gives us hope. You are our Peace, our Shelter. Our Rock and Strong Tower. Your banner over us is love! Lord, we want to be in Your presence where there is life. Our hearts declare Your Word, “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “Therefore I hope in Him!” In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

Monday, January 16, 2017

True Freedom *

Christ has set us free to live a free life. So take your stand! Never again let anyone put a harness of slavery on you. Galatians 5:1 The Message

13-15 It is absolutely clear that God has called you to a free life. Just make sure that you don’t use this freedom as an excuse to do whatever you want to do and destroy your freedom. Rather, use your freedom to serve one another in love; that’s how freedom grows. For everything we know about God’s Word is summed up in a single sentence: Love others as you love yourself. That’s an act of true freedom. If you bite and ravage each other, watch out—in no time at all you will be annihilating each other, and where will your precious freedom be then?
16-18 My counsel is this: Live freely, animated and motivated by God’s Spirit. Then you won’t feed the compulsions of selfishness. For there is a root of sinful self-interest in us that is at odds with a free spirit, just as the free spirit is incompatible with selfishness. These two ways of life are antithetical, so that you cannot live at times one way and at times another way according to how you feel on any given day. Why don’t you choose to be led by the Spirit and so escape the erratic compulsions of a law-dominated existence?
19-21 It is obvious what kind of life develops out of trying to get your own way all the time: repetitive, loveless, cheap sex; a stinking accumulation of mental and emotional garbage; frenzied and joyless grabs for happiness; trinket gods; magic-show religion; paranoid loneliness; cutthroat competition; all-consuming-yet-never-satisfied wants; a brutal temper; an impotence to love or be loved; divided homes and divided lives; small-minded and lopsided pursuits; the vicious habit of depersonalizing everyone into a rival; uncontrolled and uncontrollable addictions; ugly parodies of community. I could go on.
This isn’t the first time I have warned you, you know. If you use your freedom this way, you will not inherit God’s kingdom.
22-23 But what happens when we live God’s way? He brings gifts into our lives, much the same way that fruit appears in an orchard—things like affection for others, exuberance about life, serenity. We develop a willingness to stick with things, a sense of compassion in the heart, and a conviction that a basic holiness permeates things and people. We find ourselves involved in loyal commitments, not needing to force our way in life, able to marshal and direct our energies wisely. Galatians 5:13-23 The Message
          We make the rest of this chapter our sincere prayer. Since this is the kind of life we have chosen, the life of the Spirit, help us make sure that we do not just hold it as an idea in our heads or a sentiment in our hearts, but we work out its implications in every detail of our lives. Help us to not compare ourselves with each other as if one of us were better and another worse. You have planned far more interesting things for us to do with our lives. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

Sunday, January 15, 2017

What Are You Expecting? +

John, meanwhile, had been locked up in prison. When he got wind of what Jesus was doing, he sent his own disciples to ask, “Are you the One we’ve been expecting, or are we still waiting?”

Jesus told them, “Go back and tell John what’s going on:
The blind see,
The lame walk,
Lepers are cleansed,
The deaf hear,
The dead are raised,
The wretched of the earth learn that God is on their side

Matthew 11:1-5 The Message

John and Jesus were cousins. They grew up together. Sometimes, when people read this passage, they speculate that perhaps John didn't know Jesus was the true Messiah. However, if you remember in chapter 3, Jesus went to John to be baptized and their interchange proves John knew Jesus was the Messiah. So, why was John questioning it now?

Put yourself in John's place. He'd spent his life faithfully preparing the way of the Lord. And there he was, stuck in prison for speaking truth. Sure doesn't seem fair, does it? I mean, if you're living a righteous life - you're the forerunner for the Messiah - you wouldn't think you'd wind up in prison, right?   

But then, so many people who lived in that time missed Him as the Messiah because He didn't arrive as they thought He would. He wasn't what they were expecting.

Jesus knew that John knew the writings of the prophets, so when He quoted Isaiah's prophecy about the blind and the deaf, John would know the prophecy was being fulfilled. It was a blessed assurance for a man wrongly imprisoned. 

We have to admit, we've all questioned God when faced with what we perceive are injustices or unfair situations in our lives. Are we missing Him or doubting Him because our life situations aren't going as we planned? Or do we know the Word well enough to remember that He told us in John 16:33, I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the worldSo, what are we expecting? 


          Thank You that the Word became flesh and dwelt among us and made The Way back to You. Open our eyes and our hearts to know You in Your glory and in Your Truth. Help us to keep our focus on You and Your Truth and not on life's situations. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Healing by the Word *

He carried in his own body on the cross the sins we committed. He did this so that we might live in righteousness, having nothing to do with sin. By his wounds you were healed. 
1st Peter 2:24 CEB

Tonight was the first night of a 5-day conference at my church. Guest evangelist, Dale Everett taught on healing in a way that totally grabbed my attention of all God has been speaking to my spirit this week - that it's not about what I've done or haven't done. It's about WHO GOD IS. God, our Healer, is not just a name - it's His Nature. It's about Him.

During the teaching, I didn't feel goose bumps or heat or anything. It was more like feeling an expectation, but not actually feeling anything. Literally. About a quarter of the way through the service, I thought, "My ankle isn't hurting." About 15 minutes later, I realized my knees were not hurting. By midway through the service, I wanted to get up and walk! In my mind, I said, "God, I don't want to disrupt the service. This is in no way an act of unbelief. I am so grateful." It wasn't a healing line, nobody laid hands on me. I listened to the Word being taught. Isaiah 55:11 tells us, It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it.

At the end of the service, Dale said if we felt like God had done something for us to come to the front. I stood up and WALKED TO THE FRONT! Then when he found out I had not walked without a cane or walker for a year, he took my hand and said, "Let's go for a walk!" And we walked back and forth across the front of the church.



           I can never praise You enough or thank You enough for saving me and the provision You have made for me throughout my life. This healing that You've done tonight is miraculous and I give You all glory! Let it be a witness to someone in need tonight. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

Friday, January 13, 2017

* Let the Redeemed of the Lord Say So

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good!
    His faithful love endures forever. 

Has the Lord redeemed you? Then speak out!
    Tell others he has redeemed you from your enemies. For he has gathered the exiles from many lands, from east and west, from north and south.

Psalm 107:1-3 NLT

Redeemed. It's defined as 'being bought back, to regain possession of, a ransom'. It was often used in reference to a slave. Nowadays, not too many people view themselves as slaves, so perhaps it's challenging to get a clear picture of being redeemed. Have you ever thought about it? What does it mean to you - to be redeemed?   

Those who are enslaved have no control over their lives, especially not over the bad things in their lives... and frequently, not over the good, either. Slaves cannot get away from the state they're in. If they try to escape, they are severely beaten, sometimes to death. But their freedom can be purchased, bought with a price.

Do you know what we've been redeemed from? Think back... We were slaves to our sin. That's right. Christ's body on the Cross was the purchase price for our freedom - our redemption - from the power that sin had in our lives. We could not do it through the law. We could not do it in and of ourselves. God tells us in His Word,  I swept away your rebellions like a cloud, and your sins like fog. Return to me, because I have redeemed you.

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever.  Has the Lord redeemed you? King James then reads, Let the redeemed of the Lord say so!


       Oftentimes, we gloss over the heart and depth of the meaning in Your Word. Take us to the meat of it where we may feast and be strengthened to encourage others. Illuminate Your Word, O God! Let us see clearly to be able to passionately proclaim that we are the redeemed of the Lord. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

Thursday, January 12, 2017

* Difficult, Despite the Promise

When Esau was 40 years old, he married Judith daughter of Beeri the Hittite, and Basemath daughter of Elon the Hittite. They made life very difficult for Isaac and Rebekah.
Genesis 26:34-35 CEB

In verses 2-5 of this same chapter, God visits Isaac, the son of promise, and reiterates His blessing of Abraham, promising to keep His word with Isaac in regard to all the lands and the number of descendants too many to count and that all the nations of the earth will be blessed because of them. 

Can you imagine if the Lord came down and declared all that to you? Wouldn't you think you were set for life - and all the generations after you? "This is going to be a piece of cake - I got the Promise!" But that's not at all what transpired. By the end of the chapter, the in-laws were already outlaws. Verse 35 - They made life very difficult for Isaac and Rebekah. Their lives were "very difficult"  despite the promise!

How often do we get a word from God and think, "Oh, this is it! Everything's coming up roses now!" but then we find we're dealing with more thorns of life than roses? More fertilizer...  Do we turn against God? Do we get angry with Him? Do we doubt His Word? Do we become UNbelievers?

Let's do a heart check. What was the last thing you heard God speak to your spirit? Do you believe it? Has it happened? If not, do you still believe it? Has your life been difficult despite the promise? Don't give up. Don't stop believing. God is still on the throne and He's working His plan for your life. Trust Him.


          Bring back to our hearts all that You have spoken to us. Help us to do an honest check of our faith and trust in You. Grow us up in You, Lord. Help us to remain steadfast and immovable, always excelling in the work You've laid before us. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

It's All Good *

The same goes for you husbands: Be good husbands to your wives. Honor them, delight in them. As women they lack some of your advantages. But in the new life of God’s grace, you’re equals. Treat your wives, then, as equals so your prayers don’t run aground.
1st Peter 3:7 The Message

Don't worry - just breathe. I'm not going to jump into a male vs. female or equal rights soliloquy. Actually, Peter went on to say some really good things this day. Wise things. Things we should embrace in our everyday life. Read on.

Summing up: Be agreeable, be sympathetic, be loving, be compassionate, be humble. That goes for all of you, no exceptions. No retaliation. No sharp-tongued sarcasm. Instead, bless—that’s your job, to bless. You’ll be a blessing and also get a blessing.

Whoever wants to embrace life and see the day fill up with good, Here’s what you do:
     Say nothing evil or hurtful;
     Snub evil and cultivate good;
     Run after peace for all you’re worth.

God looks on all this with approval, listening and responding well to what he’s asked; But he turns his back on those who do evil things. 

If with heart and soul you’re doing good, do you think you can be stopped? Even if you suffer for it, you’re still better off. Don’t give the opposition a second thought. 

Through thick and thin, keep your hearts at attention, in adoration before Christ, your Master. Be ready to speak up and tell anyone who asks why you’re living the way you are, and always with the utmost courtesy. Keep a clear conscience before God so that when people throw mud at you, none of it will stick. They’ll end up realizing that they’re the ones who need a bath. 

It’s better to suffer for doing good, if that’s what God wants, than to be punished for doing bad. That’s what Christ did definitively: suffered because of others’ sins, the Righteous One for the unrighteous ones. He went through it all—was put to death and then made alive—to bring us to God.

Hmmmmmm. So then, in Christ, it's all good.


           Let Your Words soak deep into our Spirit. Let us see and understand that You were the first to tell us, "Have a Good Day!" and be good enough to tell us how to do it. You are amazingly awesome! Help us to follow the pattern You laid before us. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

* God Will Not

It may seem that those who are poor and needy have been forgotten, but God will not forget them. He will not leave them without hope.
Psalm 9:18 ERV (Easy to Read Version)

Ever been there? Ever wonder if God forgot about you and your circumstances because it feels like it? Have you ever felt hopeless and then had to endure the war between those feelings and your faith? You're not alone.

The writers of the Psalms second those emotions. Such as Psalm 130 which reads, From the depths of despair, O LordI call for your help. Hear my cry, O Lord. Pay attention to my prayer...  and Psalm 61:2, From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed... Just to give a couple examples.

However, what I love about the book is a psalm might start out in despair, but generally, it ends with a proclamation of faith and hope. The next verse in Psalm 130 reads, I am counting on the Lordyes, I am counting on him. I have put my hope in his word

Psalm 61 goes on to say, Lead me to the towering rock of safety, for you are my safe refuge, a fortress where my enemies cannot reach me. Let me live forever in your sanctuary, safe beneath the shelter of your wings

Oh, such hope! Such confidence in the Lord God!

Our Promise for Today - God will NOT forget us! He will NOT leave us without hope!


         We pray as Paul prayed. We pray that You, God, the Source of hope, will fill us completely with joy and peace because we trust in You. Then we will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen