Matthew 4:4 NKJV
I love bread - especially when it's freshly baked and crusty on the outside, still warm from the oven. I used to think I could live on that... but you can't. As good as it is, it doesn't contain all the nutrients we need to thrive. And I don't see us winning in hand-to-hand combat by whacking someone with a loaf of bread.
Jesus was fasting in the wilderness when this confrontation with satan occurred. He was hungry but He understood that only one thing gives life everlasting - God's Word. He was in the battle for ALL of our lives and what weapon did He choose to use and WIN? It is written... the written Word of God! Ephesians calls it our sword - in the armor of God, the Word is our only weapon used for offense. Jesus did not turn stones into bread, He was more hungry to do God's will. What are we more hungry for?
Isn't it marvelous that Jesus Christ is both the Word of God and the Bread of Life (John 6)?
The very Truth that Christ fought His battle with "It is written..." should tell us that to win, we must do the same. We must fight using the same weapon, and keep up our strength and live by the Bread of Life. Are we as diligent to devour the Word as we are our Wheaties?
You are our Source for life - abundant and everlasting! Only You can teach us to war and win against the enemy of our souls. Help us, Father! Give us understanding as we take in Your Word. Birth in us anew a fire to feast on Your Word. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen
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