James 4:15 TPT
Americans are waiting with bated breath for the final results of the presidential election. And all over the social media platforms, there are people claiming to be prophets who say God told them who will ultimately emerge victorious. The sad thing is they don't all agree. So, some will prove to be false prophets.
It doesn't matter if they're partly right. satan is the author of confusion and he will speak just enough of God's Word to twist it like he did with Jesus in the wilderness. Know this - God is NOT EVER partly right. God does NOT operate in maybe. If a word is from God, it will be Truth and it WILL come to pass.
Make note of the ones who prove to be false, and have nothing more to do with them. Seriously! God tells us in Ezekiel 13:8-9b ERV, So now, the Lord God really will speak. He says, “You told lies. You saw visions that were not true. So now I am against you!” This is what the Lord God said. “I will punish those prophets whose visions are false and who lie about the future. I will remove them from my people."
Guard your heart. Be careful whose truth you embrace. And remember, regardless of who wins the US presidential election, Our tomorrows are in the Lord’s hands and if he is willing we will live life to its fullest and do this or that.
Thank You for Your peace that passes all understanding brought about by knowing we are in Your hands. Thank You for Your promise to never leave us or forsake us. We pray Your will be done here on Earth, as it is in Heaven. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen
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