Whoever wanders off the straight and narrow ends
up in a congregation of ghosts. You're addicted to thrills? What an empty
life! The pursuit of pleasure is never satisfied.
Proverbs 21:16-17 The Message Bible
A faithful friend sent me an email and included in it was
the following quote, Resist the temptation to try to find natural remedies
to a spiritual condition. Think about it for a minute. Have you ever
done that? No?
Well, how about this - Have you ever
stuffed chocolate or some other comfort food into your mouth in an attempt
to ease your stress level? You know - instead of going to God for your answer
or your place of peace? That's a natural remedy for a spiritual condition. It's kind of like trying to play a DVD in a CD boom
box. They both fit, but you don't get the same result.
Colossians 1:16 NKJV reads, For by
Him [Jesus] all things were created that are in heaven and
that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or
principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. We
were created by Him, through Him and FOR Him. We might try one way or the other
to fit something else in the place that is only for Him - but nothing else
will work properly. You can't fill His spot with a substitution and expect to
get results found only in Him. Even if it fits...
Shine Your light of Truth on those things we use for quick fixes and in
substitution of time better spent with You. Reveal those things in our lives
that are not pleasing to You, Father. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen
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