Greatly distressed, each one asked in turn, “Am I the one, Lord?”
Matthew 26:20-22 NLT
Did you ever pick up on the fact that EACH one asked Jesus if they were the one who would betray Him? Obviously, they each knew they were capable of it... After all, most of us are aware of our character flaws and failures. In fact, before the night was over, they would all abandon Him at the Garden of Gethsemane to save their own necks.
They failed Him. Miserably!
However, they did not quit, and while Jesus knew their failures and shortcomings, He knew they would not quit. In Mark 16:7, the angels told the women to go tell His disciples and Peter that Christ would meet them in Galilee.
They did not get hung up in their failure. They did not quit. They received the forgiveness He paid for them on the Cross. As a result, they spread the Gospel everywhere they went.
Have you ever failed? I know I have. God knows our failures and shortcomings. However, He had the Master Plan. Christ died on the Cross for the forgiveness of our sins. Our failures. So, don't quit coming back to the Cross.
Forgive us for every time we have failed You and let You down. Restore us, O God, to right-standing with You through the Blood of Jesus. Thank You for choosing us. Overwhelm us with Your grace and mercy. We want to fulfill the plan You have for us. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen
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