Sunday, May 24, 2020

His Peace Work

God blesses those who work for peace, for they will be called the children of God.
Matthew 5:9 NLT

When I worked in construction, I loved piecework jobs. For those of you who may not know, piecework is paid by the amount done instead of by the time spent doing it. Once the price was agreed upon, we could work as much or as little as we wanted. I could work hard and learn the best skills, knock the job out in two days, and have the rest of the week off. Or I could work at a slower, less frenetic pace, and still get paid whenever I got the job completed. Although, usually there was a timeline; some sort of deadline by when it had to be finished.

Sometimes, we had unlimited units of work. We could get paid for ALL we got done - no matter how much, as long as it was done correctly. That was a serious pay off because I like to work... Well, actually, I like to get paid, but thankfully, I understand that I must work to get paid.

There are days - even now - I wish I still worked piecework. Then I realized that I do; it's just a different kind of peace. The price has already been agreed on - His life for mine - and then mine for His. And if I will work for it, using the best skills He's given me, there will be a SERIOUS payoff! Oh! And one more thing - there IS a deadline - and it's looming large.


             Help us to see the work You have laid before us - work to usher in Your peace - work that must be done before YOU return. Thank you for the price You paid, and for allowing us to see the timeline for its completion. Help us to accomplish all the peace work that is available for us to do by Your mercy and grace! In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

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