Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Teach and Train

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6 KJV

Some people think teaching and training are the same thing. While they are similar, they are not the same. You can teach someone - provide them with the knowledge of what should be done to develop a certain set of skills or talent. They can know everything they need to do in order to accomplish their goal. However, unless they combine it with practical application, there is no value added. There must be training. Train up a child... Some things they will get the very first time. Some, they won't get for the first one hundred times. Frustrating, yes, but training is the key. You'll notice the Scripture doesn't define what age is old.

We all know that every athlete has to train. And when serious athletes face challenges, they step up their training to meet the requirement of the challenge. A runner doesn't train the same for a marathon as he would for a 50-yard dash. And when running a marathon, he or she doesn't just go outside and run around the block and then say, "Okay, I can run, so I'm ready." Nor would we expect them to be ready just because they know how to run. You see the point I'm making. It takes training to qualify for the competition, training to be able to maintain a position in the competition and endurance training to be able to finish no matter the circumstances.

It's the same with "baby" Christians. It doesn't matter their age in physical years. Yes, one would think that an adult (in years) would grasp the concepts and deeper truths more quickly than a child in years, and yet Scripture tells us we must come as a child. They must first be taught and then apply the training for what they've been taught. Yes, some things they'll get the very first time. Some, they won't get for the first one hundred (or more) times. Frustrating, for sure, but training is the key.

Christ's example of obedience only to the Father qualified us for the competition to have victory over death, hell and the grave. It takes training and disciplining our lives to His Word to be able to maintain a position of humility and submission to the Father in the race. And only those who endure no matter what the circumstances will finish and receive the crown. That's what we've been taught according to the Word of God. And now, we're in training...


           Thank You for providing the Word to teach and the faith, strength, and patience to train. Help us to see the opportunities You have placed before us so that we embrace them and utilize them wisely. Help us to grow in Your wisdom and in Your grace. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

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