And you shall make no league with the inhabitants of this land; you shall throw down their altars: but you have not obeyed my voice: why have you done this?
Judges 2:2 AKJV
God was very clear about not making any treaties or agreements with the inhabitants of the land He had promised to Israel. Yet, they forsook His plan and decided to do it their own way... never a good idea.
You don't want to be in league with the enemy! Don't endorse them. Don't be on their team. Don't claim ownership of what is not - and never should be - yours. Don't lend your power to help sustain their way of life. We must be cognizant of the truth! Any power that we have is from the Lord to begin with and He will not lend His power to anything that He has not chosen. So if we choose UNwisely, He will withhold His power from us. And then where will we be?!? Definitely out of our league.
Help us to see and understand that anything we choose to align with that does not have You at the center of it all is NOT where we need to be. Open our eyes to fully see the whole Truth of the matter. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen
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