This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9 NLT
You may not have heard of Chris Farias before. He received the Navy Cross for his act(s) of valor. It is the highest award bestowed for Navy and Marine personnel. It is second only to the Congressional Medal of Honor. It is a BIG deal - HUGE honor - and well deserved. His family and friends are extremely proud of him and grateful to God for protecting his life. You see, Chris was wounded in the battle and still, he fought on.
I've been thinking about courage and what it takes to be courageous because I was thinking about Chris. He was one of the little boys who lived next door to where I raised my youngest child - also a boy - a couple years older than Chris. When my son read the Summary of Action nominating Chris for the Navy Cross, he responded with, "Who would have known that back then, I was driving a hero to school every day?"
You know, when we think HERO, we tend to think Large and in charge - topping out over 6 feet tall, 200 pounds and muscles on top of muscles. A superpower or two wouldn't hurt, either. Chris is none of those things. His younger brother towers over him. Chris is lean and well-muscled, but you won't catch him flexing them. As a teenager, he gave his mother fits. He wasn't a model student. So then, what makes a hero?
You're not born with it. I believe it is forged in those times when you witness someone making the right choice in spite of the odds or negative peer pressure or response and doing it unpretentiously. I believe it's something that develops in the fiber of your being because of the choices you make as you observe it being played out in life. I believe we can be courageous when someone we respect and believe in expects us to be so.
Joshua and Caleb stood before the people of Israel and declared that the Promised Land was theirs for the taking. Ten others stood up and said, "No way..." and discouraged all of Israel (read the book of Numbers, chapter 32).
Bottom line - Joshua ultimately led the people of Israel into the Promised Land... but not without a fight. It's important to know that. God told him ahead of time they'd have to fight for it - but God also told him to be strong and be courageous.
You may be fighting life on every side. You may wonder why you have to... Joshua had to - JESUS had to... we live in a fallen world. But listen, be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. You have the makings of a hero!
Thank You for teaching us how to be strong and courageous. Thank You for putting the pattern before us. Help us to step up to fulfill Your plan for our lives. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen
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