Thursday, March 21, 2019

Friends' Favorite - Shine the Light

Light is sweet; how pleasant to see a new day dawning.
Ecclesiastes 11:7 NLT

I stopped again this morning to watch the sunrise out over the water. I wanted to witness the miracle of it one more time. I am fascinated with the wonder that each sunrise has been unique for as long as there has been the dawning of a new day.

This morning I was struck with the realization that even before the sun actually appeared on the horizon, the clouds of night began to reflect the light of it. And the light replaced the dark with beautiful color. Just like the Son does in our lives. We may not see Him, but as we draw closer to Him, He gives us beauty for ashes.

For me, sunrise never loses its wondrous beauty. I have watched many new days dawn over one beach or another. Some by design because I got up early just to watch the sunrise. Other times were because I'd worked all night long and on my way home, the sun rose to greet me. And then there were the times when the night seemed to go on forever, not only in the dark of the night but in the dark of my soul, as well. Times when I despaired of ever seeing light again, and yet faithful, just as sure as there is a heaven, the sun would peer over the horizon, glimmering, shimmering across the water to the sand at my feet, spreading its warmth around me, my hope rising with the sun. And I would be reminded one more time that Jesus is the Light of the World.

What a blessed hope! No matter how dark the night of your soul, Jesus came so that you might have LIFE and have LIFE more abundantly. He IS the hope to light our way. And the Light overcomes darkness EVERY time.


           Shine Your Light to show us the way. Cause us to be a true reflection of You and Your Light, to provide hope for the hopeless in a lost and dying world. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

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