1st Thessalonians 5:11 NLT
It's been pretty stressful at work lately. Today, I went to the other side of the building to check something and stopped for a 5-minute chat with a fellow believer. In the course of the conversation, we encouraged each other and talked about how important it is to lift up others, to speak an encouraging word to family, friends and yes, even strangers.
She told a story that gave a mind's eye visual of our Promise for Today. When her daughter was in college learning how to be a teacher, one of the exercises they did required her to have a paper doll to care for and carry for a full day. The assignment was that for every negative word spoken, a piece of the paper doll had to be torn away or cut off.
Imagined morning phrases counted, too, before the child ever got to school.
"Come on, Johnny. You're always late!" Snip
"Evelyn, can't you do anything for yourself?" Snip Snip
"Let's go! You are the slowest kid!" Rip"You will never..." Tear"Fine! You don't care? I don't care, either!" Cut...
Now, think about your day. Did we take their head off first or their feet, not giving them any way to stand... How many negative words were spoken - even if the person didn't hear what you said or thought? Snip, Snip! Rip and Tear! Cut...
How much of the paper doll would we still have at the end of the day? How are we doing with the flesh-and-blood ones God has placed in our care?
May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer. Cause us to have clean hands and pure hearts, Father. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen
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