Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Showers of Blessings

I will bless my people and their homes around my holy hill. And in the proper season I will send the showers they need. There will be showers of blessing.
Ezekiel 34:26 NLT

Sometimes, we just have to stop and praise our God for who He is. Stop to acknowledge that without Him, we have nothing; we are nothing. He is the very air we breathe. Life without Him is no life at all.

Sometimes, in the middle of a life desert, it's our tears that water the dry ground. Then there are those times when He pours out His blessings and creates for us an oasis. A time of refreshing and restoration.

I love His showers of blessings. He is so faithful to send what we need in the proper season.


           How can we ever thank You enough for pouring out on us exactly when we need it. Thank You for controlling the seasons of our lives and keeping us in check. We want to be where You want us to be, no matter where - no matter the season, as long as You are with us. According to Your Word, Father, we trust You to never leave us alone. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

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