Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Who's Doing What

It’s not the one who plants or the one who waters who is at the center of this process but God, who makes things grow. Planting and watering are menial servant jobs at minimum wages. What makes them worth doing is the God we are serving.
1st Corinthians 3:8-9a The Message

When you are first introduced to someone, usually the first question asked after learning their name is, "What do you do?" It's strange how we tend to think that's the most important thing - as if human doings were much more important than human beings, pun intended.

The Corinthians were doing that. Oh, Paul was this, so I follow Paul, while their neighbor contended that Apollos was "more that" so they followed Apollos. Paul took it down to its simplest form in a matter of seconds. It really doesn't matter who's doing what in the Kingdom of God. As long as we're doing it as unto the Lord, God will give the increase on it. He will make it grow. So, who's doing what?


          Help us to know and understand that everything we do is subject to You. Only that done for You and for Your Kingdom will stand the test of fire. We want to build on Your sure foundation, Father, and only those things that will last. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

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