Romans 5:3-4 The Living Bible
There is a renewed call to prayer from the Holy Spirit. Do you feel it, too? Ringing over and over in my heart is the Scripture passage from Mark 12:30-31 NLT, "And you must love the Lord your God with ALL your heart, ALL your soul, ALL your mind, and ALL your strength.’ The second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ No other commandment is greater than these.” The written emphasis is mine, but the emphatic inflection is God's. ALL my heart, ALL my soul, ALL my mind, and ALL my strength. I had to be honest with myself and ask, When was the last time I did anything with ALL that I am or ALL that I have... ?
So often, we fill up every waking moment with I have to do this or I have to do that and this must be done or that must be, and Suzie has to be at practice and Johnny has to, too, and we'll grab something at the drive-thru because we don't have time to cook and sit at the table... And at night, when we fall into bed exhausted, we're too tired to pray, let alone worship, and we don't have all of anything left... Bob Sorge states, "This present world system is strategically designed to squeeze out your time and energy for the secret place." The secret place is our time with the Lord. It's where our strength is renewed. MAKE the time. Make it a priority once again.
So with renewed vigor, by the grace of God, I am getting back into shape spiritually - eagerly anticipating the next part of God's plan. Not just for me, but for ALL of us. Revelation 22:17 NKJV, And the Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let him who hears say, “Come!” And let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely. In my corner of the world, I see and hear people responding to the Spirit say, "Come!" and I pray it is the same for you.
Forgive us for all the times we've given You less than all. Therefore, since we are receiving Your Kingdom that cannot be shaken, grant us Your grace, by which we can serve You acceptably with reverence and Godly fear. For You, O Lord, are a consuming fire! Thank You for trials and tribulations that teach us patience and develop our character. Teach us how to give You Your heart's desire. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen
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