Thursday, February 8, 2018


So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other...
Galatians 5:16-17b NIV

When we haven't made up our minds about certain issues, we are often in conflict within ourselves. When we don't make a conscious choice, we have - in effect - chosen to walk without direction. Indecision sets us up as targets for the enemy of our souls.

Consider this. Depending on how well a human being is hydrated, one can live anywhere from 3-12 days without water, and 3-6 weeks without food...although obviously neither scenario is suggested. And yet, wars have been won or lost based on food supplies that were or were not readily available.

Battle-weary soldiers who have not eaten in days and who have no water supply will voluntarily surrender to the enemy for the promise of food and water. Why? Because we don't want to die. And as desperate as some may be, not all things wet or chewable are good for consumption. Many will cause death if we ingest them.

For instance, if we're dehydrated, we need something wet, liquid of some kind, but obviously we're not going to drink gasoline or coal oil or bleach. Yes, they are all liquids, but they are deadly contaminants. It would definitely put your body in severe conflict and it would be self-inflicted. Anyone in their right mind would not drink these liquids. We want to live and hear me now - what we feed and water will live.

The same is true in our walk with the Lord. We are in a battle. The war between our flesh and spirit wages every day. And quite simply, what we feed and water will live. If we feed our sinful nature the things it craves, our sinful nature will thrive and survive... but we CAN starve it to death. Jesus is the Bread of Life. He is the Word - the Living Water. Our text for today tells us the Spirit and the sinful nature are in conflict with each other...the question is, how much of it is self-inflicted?

Victorious overcomer (Spirit) or self-inflicted conflict (sinful nature)?  WE choose which one will thrive and survive.


           You are the Master Nutritionist. Sustain us on Your Word, O Bread of Life and Living Water. Help us to hide it in our hearts so we will flourish in Your will for us. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

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