Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Not By Sight

For we walk by faith, not by sight.
2nd Corinthians 5:7 NKJV

Do you like to be blindfolded? As children, we mash the blindfold against our eyes and our only concern is if they pull our hair while tying the knot. Once the blindfold is on, we get spun around and either try to pin the tail on something or find someone just by hearing them call to us. It's all fun and games and most kids love it.

As adults, it's a different story. Have you ever been to a gathering where one of the icebreaker activities involves a blindfold? Women wear makeup and they're concerned about that - maybe to the point of not participating. Men and women both touch their hair to see how mussed up it might be in the process. I find it particularly interesting to note that those who are normally very boisterous and outgoing become very quiet and still when blindfolded. Have you ever noticed that? What would be your reaction?

It's human nature to want to be able to see where you're going and what's going on. We don't even like it when someone sits in front of us and we can't see over them or around them. We like to be able to see what's coming at us or being thrown at us - whether it's life or a party game.

I once attended a day retreat where one of the exercises was to be blindfolded while standing outside the building. Then one group was led around the property by a friend or spouse and another group was led around by someone they did not know. I watched adults break down and cry and refuse to move. If you'll excuse the pun, it was an eye-opening experience...

It really was all about trust and how well the people in blindfolds knew the ones who were leading them. The people led by someone they didn't know were actually more pulled than led. There was no trust that the one leading them would 
safely guide them - even in the parking area. Friends leading friends were a little different - they were more led than pulled. Married couples - especially those I knew whose relationships were strong - it was almost as though the one wasn't blindfolded at all.

Relate that to our Christian walk. If we are to walk by faith and not by sight, do we trust the One who is leading us? It's not a matter of CAN we trust Him - God is trustworthy - even if we can't see where He's leading us. It truly is a matter of DO we trust Him? Do we trust Him to get us over - to get us through - to keep us - no matter what? No matter the circumstances we find ourselves in? No matter the trials and the struggles and the rough terrain? Do we trust Him? 

Faith is not about seeing your way clear, it's about knowing God will make a way - even when you can't see how. It's about trusting God even when what you see is NOT what you WANT to see. Do you know Him well enough to walk by faith at His leading and not by sight?


          You are Alpha and Omega, Beginning and the End. You are Almighty, Sovereign, Maker of Heaven and Earth, Creator of the universe. You are our Provider, our Healer, our Deliverer, and Redeemer. You are our Savior who takes our sin-stained lives and makes us holy and righteous unto You. We choose to trust You. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

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