Monday, August 21, 2017

The Fourth Stop Sign

I come to your altar, O Lord, singing a song of thanksgiving and telling of all your wonders. I love your sanctuary, Lord, the place where your glorious presence dwells.
Psalm 26:6b-8 NLT

The first traffic ticket I ever got was for not coming to a complete stop at a posted stop sign. On the daily route, there were 4 stop signs to get to the main road. At the last stop sign that morning, I slowed way down but did the infamous California roll instead of stopping completely...and I had to pay the price for it. Oh, I thought I was justified - even tried to talk my way out of it (I wasn't saved then). The officer patiently explained to me that the book did not read three out of four stops are okay, nor did it say I get to choose which laws I would obey, or that I could stop only when I felt like it and had the time.

There are days when life threatens to overwhelm us with all that we have to do and all the things and people who need a piece of us and there just isn't enough time. Combine that with back-to-school and all the extras we want to do as we come to the end of summer (and more than likely won't get to accomplish) and it becomes our focus, creating a sure-fire recipe for potential disaster. It's the fourth stop sign all over again. 

And this time, are we stopping to acknowledge and praise God in all things? In ALL things - everything - as Scripture instructs? The Book doesn't read three out of four times are okay, nor does it say we get to choose which laws we will obey, or that we could stop only when we felt like it and had the time. Oh, we may throw a few thanks heavenward - they may even be heartfelt - but are we taking the time to come to a complete stop and give Him our full attention in praise and thanksgiving?

If not, take 5 minutes right now and stop. Seriously. Stop. List 5 things you are thankful for - something besides a spouse or children. Something that you know you have only by the grace and goodness of God. Go ahead, I'll wait...

Now praise Him for who He is. Acknowledge His greatness. Sing to Him a new song of thanksgiving and tell of His wonders!!


          It is only by Your mercy and grace that we even breathe. We acknowledge and give great thanks that it is in You alone that we live and move and have our being. We know every good and perfect thing comes from You and we give You praise. In Jesus' Name. Amen

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