Monday, July 10, 2017

Can You See?

“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End,” says the Lord, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.”
Revelation 1:8 NKJV

It was a rushed morning after a restless night. Not quite together, I went out the door without my glasses…which I didn’t discover until I arrived at the office. Normally, I have an extra pair of readers every place I park for more than 15 minutes, but for some reason, I didn't have an extra pair there. I couldn't quite see clearly. So…I was straining to see what was in front of me – trying to make it bigger, bolder – lending a whole new meaning to “Let’s MAGNIFY the word...”  

Getting through the day, I was reminded of the email that goes around with all the mixed up letters in the text. The first and last letters are the only ones in their correct place, and all the middle letters are mixed up. At first, it appears to be unreadable, we can’t see what’s in the middle, but when we really look at it - taking in the beginning and the end – it puts the whole thing into perspective and we are able to understand.

Our walk with God is much the same way. Sometimes, we don’t see clearly. But Christ is our Alpha and Omega – our beginning and our end, even if the middle sometimes doesn’t seem to make much sense. However, when we know our beginning and our end, He puts everything into perspective and we are able to understand.


         Help us to see through Your eyes. Help us to see that we don’t have to get hung up in the middle because You already were. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen

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