Monday, July 24, 2017

Can You See It from There?

Jesus responded, Didn't I tell you that you would see God's glory if you believe?
John 11:40 NLT

One of the best things about renting a place to stay at the beach is the view. Case in point, how many times do we hear or read the words "Ocean Front Property" or "Ocean View" when looking to rent or buy a place near the water? When considering a place to stay, I want pictures. I want to know what kind of view I'm going to enjoy...but sometimes, things are not always as they appear.

Several years back, when a dear friend came to visit, I found a cottage in Galveston that was advertised for rent and the price was comparable to a hotel, but the real selling point was the view in the picture. It sold both of us. It was beautiful and I just knew it was going to be wonderful.

When we arrived, it was later than we'd thought it would be and it was already dark, so we groped for a light switch to the back entrance (the only entrance), climbed 14 steps to the door and had to make several trips up and down those 14 steps to carry luggage, etc. Not very convenient...and at night, no perfect view to motivate us. I had worked all week and my friend had been at a great, but grueling, conference for 3 days.

I thought to myself, "Hmmm, a hotel would have had an elevator...and coffee already made...and a place to eat with food someone else would prepare...what was I thinking?" But I gave myself a mental shake once we were up there to stay. We talked for just a little bit while making up the beds (which in a hotel would have already been done), and when we were finished, fell into bed exhausted.

In the palest light of morning, created more by the lack of night than the light of day, I finally got up. I was still tired - sleeping on a futon is definitely for college students and kids. I started the coffee, enjoying the aroma of Mountain Grown Coffee and walked out to the deck. It was then I forgot about groping for a light switch to illuminate the way to a door I knew was there somewhere in the dark. I forgot about the multiple trips up and down those 14 steps to carry the luggage and stuff I thought I needed for the trip. I forgot about elevators and already-made beds... 

Spread out before me was a view by the original Artist who created beautiful. I wanted to somehow capture the serenity, the essence of its peace, the beauty of The View from the deck of that cottage. I wanted to be able to paint it, and I can't even draw...

For the three mornings we were there, I soaked up every moment of that view.  However, I discovered that when I was on ground level, the view was obstructed. There were a couple palm trees and a partially-covered pier and sometimes a shrimp boat that obscured the clear outlook, but when I went up higher to the deck, I could see for miles.

What does that have to do with our Promise for Today? In our text, Martha's brother was dead. He'd been dead for four days. Jesus had said it would be okay, but Martha was looking at ground level.

"Helloooooo, he's dead - four days now! Do You have any idea how BAD he's gonna smell? I mean, come on, how can You do anything with something that dead?"

Jesus responded, "Didn't I tell you that you would see God's glory if you believe?" 

Often times, our view of life is just like Martha's. We only see the dark, the hard climb ahead of us, the struggle when we're tired, the obstacles we have to go around, the death of someone or something we love... Scripture repeatedly encourages us to come up higher, to look up. It is only by looking to Jesus, by coming away from the world and spending time with Him on higher ground that we are able to rise above the circumstances of life and see the view where He is... Can you see it from where you're standing?


          Forgive us for being shortsighted, for the times we only see what is directly in front of us. Thank You for being the Lifter of our heads, according to Your Word. Thank You for re-directing our view. We want to see You. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen.

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