Monday, April 9, 2012

Out of the Ashes +

…To give them beauty for ashes…
Isaiah 61:3b NKJV

Science will tell you that millions of years ago, large pockets of carbon dioxide were deep beneath the Earth’s crust. "Extreme heat and pressure caused the carbon atoms to crystallize forming diamonds," according to the website Extreme heat… fire from the depths of the Earth.

Did you know that the depth of a diamond is actually the height of a diamond? It is measured from the very bottom of the culet to the table facet at the top. However, there is another term related to diamonds that most people don't know. It is Depth %

According to the aforementioned website, depth % is the height of a diamond (measured from the culet to the table) divided by the width of the diamond. The depth % is critical to creating brilliance and fire in a diamond. A depth % that is too low or too high will cause light to leak out of the stone, causing the diamond to lose sparkle.

Have you ever experienced extreme heat from pressure in your life - the kind that felt as though it came from the pit of hell? Although the depth % may be critical to creating brilliance and fire, the good news is that the height and width of the Cross were in perfect proportion, so keep reaching for Jesus. There is no light, no love and no life lost in Him. Even when it feels like all that’s left is ashes, Christ came to give us beauty for those ashes.


           In all things, for every circumstance and event of our lives, we cannot always know or understand Your ways, but this I know. You are God and You are holy and You are righteous and nothing can separate us from Your love. You are our eternal hope. Give us beauty for ashes, Father. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen

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