Wednesday, April 11, 2012

* Holding Hands

Yet I still belong to you; you hold my right hand.
Psalm 73:23 NLT

As a mom, I raised my kids to hold my hand and walk next to me in potentially dangerous situations, especially in parking lots. As the one responsible for the safety of my precious children, if I held their hand, I could govern how quickly they stopped or started. If they stumbled or slipped, I could provide balance. As the one who held their hand, mine was the stronger grip. I did not let go.

Have you ever noticed that? Some people assume that when holding hands, the grip is equal, but it's not so. One is holding, one is being held. The one being held is subject to the one holding.

I remember one time being in a really tough spot, crying that I could not hold on to God's hand, no matter how hard I tried. Doc Jameson wrapped his arm around my shoulder and told me the story of a young farm boy walking with his dad across a furrowed field. The boy being younger tried to help his dad across the field but kept falling away. His dad said, "Son, I've walked this way before, let ME hold YOUR hand." And together, they walked safely across the field even though the furrows were deep and wide.

It was there I learned the phenomenon of hand-holding not being equal holds. When Doc finished his analogy, he said, "Honey, God is the Father. Let Him hold your hand. He won't let go."


          ♪♫ Hold my hand, Lord. Hold my hand...all along life's pilgrim journey... ♪♫ In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

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