Then Moses told the Lord, “Please, Lord, I’m not eloquent. I never was in the past nor am I now since you spoke to your servant. In fact, I talk too slowly and I have a speech impediment.”
Then God asked him, “Who gives a person a mouth? Who makes him unable to speak, or deaf, or able to see, or blind, or lame? Is it not I, the Lord? Now, go! I myself will help you with your speech, and I’ll teach you what you are to say.”
Moses said, “Please, Lord, send somebody else.”
Exodus 4:10-13 ISV International Standard Version
How many of us can relate to Moses' request? How many times have we NOT done something because we didn't feel qualified?
How many times have we told God 'no' when in Truth we know our immediate response should be 'Yes, Lord" because we have declared in prayer, "Your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven"? Why do we waste the very breath God gave us to refuse Him? How do we take for granted the God-given ability to walk and talk and then use both to walk away from Him while offering Him excuse after excuse?
What if, for one day, we didn't ask God for anything, we just praised Him? What if, for one day, we didn't tell Him 'no'; we only said, 'Yes, Lord'? Just for one day...
Change our hearts, O God! Please do NOT send anyone else in our place! Let us fulfill Your purpose for our lives that You have planned for us to do from the very beginning. Put a guard over our mouths so that only 'yes' and 'amen' come out. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen
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