Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Reminder to Follow the Schedule

You saw me before I was born and scheduled each day of my life before I began to breathe. Every day was recorded in your Book!
Psalm 139:16 TLB

We deal with schedules every day - and not just our own, but those with whom we interact - the boss, the kids, grandkids. We call it keeping on track, being focused, staying the course. We follow the schedules of life.

You go to a seminar and they hand you a schedule to follow so you can accomplish everything you came to do and get your money's worth. Well, what do you do if you lose your schedule?

I have seen the meltdowns (and experienced a few) when the app doesn't sync properly or the PDA is lost or misplaced, or the DayMinder organizer is left somewhere (yes - there are still a few who use them!). Then there's the infamous computer crash and you hear the wail, "My whole life is in that thing!" and we are lost. You know what I'm talking about. It makes no difference if you work outside the home or your home is your work. There's a schedule to follow.

All day long we're bombarded with thoughts and tasks and assignments and project schedules...and life. I don't know about you, but I have been attention deficit since before they had a name for it. If I hope to get anything done, I have to have a schedule. Do I live rigidly? Oh, no no no. Only on those things that are important. But I do tend to have a hard time staying focused. In the morning, I use my old cell phone as my schedule reminder. I set it as my alarm clock to wake in the morning, and then hit the 10-minute snooze button until I actually leave the house. Some mornings, it drives me crazy, but 99% of the time, it keeps me on task.

We all know how easy it is to get off task. Someone comes to your desk and asks, Do you have a minute? and what they really mean is, I want at least 15 minutes of your time to explain what I need that will take more of your time. Oh, well, depending on your job, it all pays the same, right? The point is, a little behind here, a little behind there, and the next thing you know, the reminder on your Outlook calendar pops up with the note, TWO weeks overdue... 

What DO we do when we're that far off schedule? Stress out? Work horrendous hours to try to catch up? Have "the talk" with the powers that be? Ask for help? Revise? Cry 'Uncle'? Quit?

In many ways, it's very much like our Christian walk. God has already laid the schedule of our days. We get however many days He decided before we were born. If we're off-task, off-schedule or just have blown it so bad we think there's no hope for recovery, I've got Good News for you. God is different. There is ALWAYS redemption. There is ALWAYS recovery. There is ALWAYS a way to revise and get us back on schedule. We simply cry out in Prayer...


          I am so behind on the schedule of my life. Worse, I can't even seem to find the schedule You have laid out for me. And I want that more than anything else. Please forgive me for losing it and getting so far behind. Help me, Father. In Jesus' Name I pray. Amen. 

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