Monday, December 16, 2024

Advent Day 16 - Who is Jesus?

This year's Advent devotionals are from A Celebration of Advent:
A 25-Day Devotional by New Spring Church of Anderson, SC
“He took him up in his arms and blessed God and said, ‘Lord, now you are letting your servant depart in peace, according to your word; for my eyes have seen your salvation that you have prepared in the presence of all peoples, a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and for glory to your people Israel.’”
Luke 2:28-32

Christmas presses us all to answer the most important question: Who is Jesus?

In Luke 2, the Holy Spirit leads a righteous and devout man named Simeon to the temple on the day of Jesus’ circumcision. Simeon praises God for allowing him to see the promised Messiah, then says to Mary, “....This child marks both the failure and the recovery of many in Israel, A figure misunderstood and contradicted— the pain of a sword-thrust through you— But the rejection will force honesty, as God reveals who they really are” Luke 2:33-35 The Message

Simeon prophesies that Jesus will be “a figure misunderstood and contradicted.” Is Jesus misunderstood or is He Messiah? Is Jesus only a reason to decorate, gather friends, and feast? Or, do we acknowledge Him as Savior of the world, Immanuel, Prince of Peace?

When we see Jesus as Savior, our perspective on Christmas changes. Buying presents becomes a reminder of God’s blessing instead of a burden. Gatherings go from obligations to opportunities to celebrate and reflect the gift of Jesus. When Jesus is at the center, every Christmas moment becomes an act of worship.

Reflect: Read Luke 2:21-35

In Mark 8:29, Jesus asks Peter, "Who do you say I am?" How would you answer Jesus’ question? Who do you say He is?

What is one way you can put Jesus at the center of your day today?

            Thank You for the gift of Your Son to us and for us - our Messiah, Immanuel, Prince of Peace, our Savior. Help us to see those around us through Your eyes of love. As we make room in our hearts for You, fill us with Your compassion to see the needs of others and the desire to help meet those needs. Teach us to look beyond ourselves, Father, always. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

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