Sunday, October 2, 2022


And you must love the Lord your God with ALL your heart, ALL your soul, ALL your mind, and ALL your strength. [emphasis mine]
Mark 12:30 NLT

I heard a good message today about what it means to be all in with God. Have you ever fully thought about what it means to be "all in" with God? Calvin gave a couple good illustrations.

One was how people will get into a pool of cold water. Some will dip their toes first, shudder and draw back. Then they'll step in till their ankles acclimate, then move in up to mid-calf and repeat the acclimation process. A little bit at a time, maybe making it up to the neck but rarely do they make it all the way in. The other will come running from the sideline and dive in head first. All in. Big difference. 

The second was Elisha going all in to follow Elijah (1 Kings 19:19-21). As Elisha was plowing his father's field, Elijah threw his mantle on Elisha and walked away. Elisha ran after him and asked permission to kiss his parents goodbye. This was not a temporary call. It was a life-changer. Elisha went back to the oxen, slaughtered them, burned the yoke to roast the meat, and served it to the people. He destroyed his personal livelihood. He was all in. There was no going back.

Think again about what it means in your own life to be ALL in or perhaps what it would take to have that kind of commitment. Do we love the Lord our God with ALL - with everything? 

The story that brought it home for me was one I heard years ago. I'll bottom-line it for you. Think about a breakfast of eggs and bacon. For the chicken, it is a day's work. For the pig, it's his life. He gave it all.

Likewise, Jesus tells us in Luke 14:33... those of you who do not give up everything you have cannot be my disciples.


           Help us to remember the Truth of Your Whole Word. You did not ask us to be only partly committed, but to be ALL in. It comes at a great price - one You paid for in full. Give us strength and wisdom to walk wholly holy. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

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